Hi Beautifuls!
I had my 1st visit with the functional guy yesterday. Let me first start by saying the guy I am seeing was a MD for years and switched to FM because he wanted to work more on prevention of disease than treating the symptoms. He now teaches at universities as well. My appointment was great. He mainly was getting all of my info. I will have some kind of test that digs deeper into what all is going on in my body besides hormones of course because those are obviously going to be down because of my treatment. Anyway, I gave him my history, what treatment I am on, etc. He is going to be delving into all of this and we will meet again in 6 weeks. As far as supplements and all, I will not know for another 6 weeks. He did say most people don’t come to him until they have exhausted all that medicine has to offer. He is reaching out to my oncologist as well. Overall I believe this is going to be an excellent complementary treatment to what I am doing. I will continue to keep you all updated.