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SHARE Metastatic Breast Cancer

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Scared/ Help Advice

janeths466 profile image
13 Replies

Hello everyone,

I am posting once again, just in need of some words or advice. Like I mentioned my mom was diagnosed with BC on 2019 and the tumor was removed, she is doing great, just taking tamoxifen now. I recently mentioned I got a rash like itchy patch on my nipple. It seems more like mammary glands together, and since the itchiness has gone away it's just a small scar now. I do have eczema, anxiety, and hormonal imbalance.

New symptoms came along and I am so convinced I have bc and I am very scared and have been crying. My breast started feeling sensitive, and it hardens more easily. The pain sometimes radiates to my arm and leg (this one sided pain used to happen when my anxiety was high too though) Anyways, I have been self examining deep to find a lump and I dont know if that's why my breast is sore now! or if it is genuinely sore because of something serious. I have found no lumps yet. However, it is sensitive and sore. I am so scared I am only 22. I will be making my appointment soon, but I dont want to worry my mom right now. I dont know how i could tell her this.

(I also had a chest x ray a month ago and everything was clear, but I know chest x rays can only tell so much)

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janeths466 profile image
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13 Replies
janeths466 profile image

want to add my period is coming in a few days, but i assume it would be tenderness in both breasts....not one 😩 im very flat chested so i feel like i would feel a lump if I had one. Also i dont know how breast pain can relate to pain that extends to arm and leg. Maybe nerve related? Im so confused sorry for my long rant, I just have no one to tell right now.

Hi Janet,

I can certainly understand your worries and concerns. Not only have you had to come to terms with your mum's diagnosis, but you are now worried in case you also have breast cancer. It is up to you whether you tell your mum about your own worries, but I would personally hold off until you have been to see your doctor and know what is going on. I am not a doctor, but I do believe it is worth getting a medical check-up as soon as possible. There may be another explanation for your symptoms that are unrelated to breast cancer. The pain you mentioned that has been radiating up and down your arm to your leg does sound nerve-related though.

Take care and I hope you soon have some answers,


MaryCos profile image

Hi, sweetie. Since you are scared and asking for advice... My first bit of advice is to schedule a mammogram TODAY. Not soon. Today. The sooner you know if you have something to worry about or not, the sooner your fear/anxiety can end... or... you can get whatever kind of medical care you need. (Let's not automatically assume this is cancer. But please, as someone who is dealing with de novo MBC BECAUSE I ignored my breast health... I cannot urge you strongly enough to get this checked out as soon as possible.)

In terms of telling your mom, I'd hold off until you know what you are dealing with. She has enough to worry about, you know? You will need to tell her once you know the scoop... if anything serious is going on. But until you know what this is, I'd lean on friends (or other family members who can handle this right now) for support.

Keep us posted! And, hang in there. xo


janeths466 profile image
janeths466 in reply to MaryCos

I may be booking an appointment soon but my clinic always schedules it until 2 months after regardless :( and a mammogram is hard to get, so i guess a doctor will tell me if it is needed. I am scared since im barely turning 23 and I dont think I could handle it. But you are right I need not to assume right now until I get answers. Thank you so much!!

MaryCos profile image
MaryCos in reply to janeths466

Yes, your doctor will tell you. If they (your doctor(s)) are worried, they will make sure you get a mammogram sooner than if this was just a wellness check. When we don't know what is going on with our health... are imagination fills in the blanks. Often with Google diagnoses! So, quickest way to know what this is... and what this isn't... is to get in to see your doctor. And, make sure when you ask for an appointment that you tell them you are deeply concerned about this so they get in you quicker.

AnnaP668 profile image

Not to be alarmist, but have you checked into Paget's disease? It is a forum of breast cancer that causes itchy, scaly patches on the beast. I agree with Cos, the sooner the better. Find out what it is and settle your mind.

janeths466 profile image
janeths466 in reply to AnnaP668

Please I looked at this disease for a month and convinced myself I was going to die. I will be getting checked since thats the one that scared me. :(

AnnaP668 profile image
AnnaP668 in reply to janeths466

As I've said before, don't borrow trouble and worry from tomorrow. Try to have positive, happy thoughts. They may turn out to be true! I'll be thinking good thoughts for you.

SeattleMom profile image

Hello, Jane!My advice would be to get in for an exam ASAP! Do NOT wait! Better to be safe than sorry. I’m betting your mom would say the same.

God bless you, dear one!! 💗💗🙏🏻🙏🏻

Linda in Seattle

Hi JaneI agree with everyone above, you need to get checked out. Your poor mind is racing with negatives and is out of control. The only way you can calm this down is by hearing that you don’t have cancer - which is almost certainly the case.

The power of our mind is huge and can being on symptoms that are t related to anything.

You have many many more years ahead of you to live.

I recently had some counselling and it helped me look at things in a different way and stopped me becoming irrational with my thoughts. Have you considered this?


RLN-overcomer profile image

Greetings : Janeth (Caring angel daughter )to your mom ) :) I can understand your concern. Please try not to worry. Worrying changes nothing. By seeing a Dr. for a mammogram will allow you to be proactive, and get answers to relieve your concerns :) . Most likely it is nothing, but if it is something you will have caught it early. I know it is easier said than done, especially at your age, but please try not to worry. Pray if you believe. I will pray for you, and your mom XoXoXo🙏😇🙏😇

SabaAK profile image

Hi Janeth. I’ve had the same issue after my mom’s diagnose. I kept thinking that I have breast cancer as well. I was looking for symptoms and everytime I checked my breast I would find something to get concerned about. My breast shape, my nipples were itching all the time.Then I would google it and anxiety,panic attacks. I was crying all day long, panicking. My mother was diagnosed with de novo MBC on March 24th.The worst day in my life((. Right away my sister called me and said that she feels lump in her breast. She had an ultrasound and it turned out to be nothing. I kept postponing my appointment for breast ultrasound because I was sure that they gonna tell me I have something in my breast. I was concerned about my nipple form. Finally I had my breast ultrasound on may 20th after worrying and panicking for almost 3 months and everything was normal. My doctor said to have my breast check ups every 6 months. I’m 39. So you are not alone. I don’t think that you have anything serious. Most likely it’s eczema. Stop touching your breast. There are a lot of lymph nodes,glands ,tissues . You can make them get swollen,sensitive and soar. All your pains right now is related to your anxiety. Trust me. I had chest pain,then I started to cough,then I had breast pain. I would assume that I have MBC as well. I made my husband to take me to emergency in the middle of night. Had chest X-ray and everything was fine. Now I feel tingling in my hands. And it’s all happening because of the amount of stress that I had. So please stop negative thoughts it will damage your nerves,health,wholeyour body.The chances that you have BC is very low. You are very young. I do understand all your fears,cause I’m exactly the same. Just get your appointment and have the doctor check your breast. I think in your age ultrasound would be better. Because the breast tissue is dense and mammogram not gonna show anything. The fact that you don’t feel any lumps is very good. The only way to get your mind in peace is just to see the doctor as soon as possible and I’m kind of sure it’s gonna be nothing. Please don’t worry🙏

13plus profile image

I totally agree with AK57. You would be wise to go to a doctor just to be sure but it honestly sounds like you are whipping yourself into a frenzy from fear and I feel for you. When we are super stressed and anxious it can cause all sorts of changes in our bodies Eg skin conditions , random pain etc. Quite seriously our physical body reacts to our mental state. So 1. Make an appointment with the doctor for reassurance 2. Immediately seek out help for yourself like perhaps you can find a yin yoga class, or meditation class, Google breathing techniques and experiment to see what jives for you. You have yourself in a constant “flight” state right now which is extremely unhealthy and you must seek out some methods to help calm yourself. It will take effort but you will benefit immensely. 3. Consider counseling (often hospitals will offer caregivers help - your mum does not need to know).

Or try calling a cancer support center, many will talk to you in the phone free. Be reassured that you are so young - it would be extremely rare at your age - and ask yourself - if your mum wasn’t diagnosed, would you even be thinking and worrying about this?

4. Stop yourself from feeling your breasts (although I usually encourage it!) but you really may be hurting yourself as the other lady said. You don’t want to be pressing into all your lymph glands etc .

I wish you well. Deep, slow, calming breathing helps calm your nervous system down so I would focus on that a lot right now. Hugs, you’re not alone

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