OK, Ladies, I’m going to claw my way back up into the light. I’ve been on autopilot too long, let healthy habits slide. Became a slug. As I head back to work soon(work in a school), I realize I can’t just limp along in low gear. Thanks to the many good suggestions like Sandra’s journaling with stickers, and inspired anew by your stories and struggles (thinking of you Becca), I juiced this morning and got myself a journal. Stickers to come. I am uploading a pic of Kris Carr’s helpful prompts and a note on setting boundaries I found on Courtney Carvers blog (she has MS and blogs on simplifying your life). When I took the test, my responses all fell into the “not a boundary” category. I often tend to react before I think a situation through. Want to change that. Especially at work where I’m “on” constantly. And I will meditate later today. Let’s see if I can keep up momentum.
Green Juice and Journaling: OK, Ladies... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Green Juice and Journaling

I really am impressed by you and any other woman who works with mbc...having said that I reckon I’d had it for years and only until the fracture pain could I not entertain not working...I know I couldn’t handle it emotionally now I know what’s the matter with me...I do miss work though...my lovely patients especially...some I’d treated for nearly 40 years and were friends to me
I think I might try the journaling regime as it may help though it’s new to me and I suspect it’s not a ‘thing’ in UK
All the best
Barb xx
Hi Barb,
We all have different circumstances, so what works for one person may not work for another. I have continued to work since my diagnosis, with very little change to my routine. I just make adjustments for appointments, treatments and so on, but other than that I keep working. Like you, I probably had this disease for years before it was diagnosed. I would recommend keeping a diary. It is so helpful. I sometimes go back over previous entries to see where I was and what I was feeling. As time has gone on, I have noticed I don't record so much information about the disease. I write about other events and goings on in my life. I also started back up so that I could leave something for Kim to read if I predecease him. That's a big if. I am not planning to go anywhere anytime soon!
Hi Nancy,
I hope you can achieve your goals as you get ready to head back to work. I find keeping a diary really therapeutic. I started keeping a diary from the age of 13 and kept one for years. Then I threw them all away when I moved back home in 2012. But I started back up again last year. I wish you well! You sound very motivated!

I do, don’t I! But I took a quiz that labeled me as a “firecracker,” someone who starts out all ablaze and then burns out. I’ll really have to use some discipline here. Thanks.
You can do it!
I must be your sister from another mother♥️ Am so emotional lately and I know I feel like a powder keg lately. I am just trying to let it be because it’s been too much lately. I may go back to school nurse. Got a position. Insurance and treatment is a nightmare.
I kept a journal for years and since I have mbc haven’t been able to go back to it.
I find I have become more verbally expressive and affectionate.
Plus being on here sent me back to therapy which helps.
You will do it if you truly want to Nancy. ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Beautiful cover
You can do it! You are on your way back already!
Keep up the good work, juicing is great when you get into a pattern.
Good for you!!