How many days does it take for everyone's energy to be restored after your 21 days on Ibrance?
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The Artist
Still waiting. It comes and goes. When I juice greens I do much better in the energy. Have really fallen off
The wagon
My energy level is usually the worst on my days off. However this month has been particularly bad, not sure why. I’m glad to hear nstonerocks say it comes and goes as mine seems to have gone this month! Most months it has been better on my second or third week on Ibrance. Elaine
honestly, my off week is hardest for me. I feel tired & just worn out. days 17 & 18 of treatment have historically been the roughest, where I have the most fatigue and joint pain.
i start to feel better just to start it all over again, LOL
Mine comes and goes too! Different every cycle.
When I first began taking Ibrance/Letrozole, I developed many strange symptoms. Constant running nose, blocked right ear, eye floaters, light flashes in my vision, vertigo and rash on my upper chest area. All these symptoms resolved one-by-one over several months and attributed to sinus/ear/inflammation. I feel fine now and have been on I/L for 13 months. I hope your symptoms resolve over time.
I find the first three days of taking only the Letrozole is when I have the most fatigue. Sometimes it last for four then I start feeling better then it is time to start all over again with my love/hate relationship with the medicine.
I agree with our fellow warriors. My week off has the side effects; fatigued and depressed. The second day back on Ibrance is much better. I must say that since lowering to 75mg, those symptoms are much less! I can handle the week much, much better!
My fatigue lessened after about five months. I also discovered that the more exercise I do the more energy I have. And if I don’t plan more than two events in a day I feel much better late afternoons. It’s important to learn to pace yourself.