Hi guys! Mums scan is due on Friday! She’s been on ibrance & letrazol for 18 months think this is scan number 4 or 5! I feel so sick with worry. Every other time has been good results but it’s an awful feeling isn’t it. The time inbetween we just get on with things and be as normal as possible as she is presenting so well but always that’s scary thought that’s what’s going on inside. Anyway hope you all have a good day
Scan due fears: Hi guys! Mums scan is... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Scan due fears

Hi Bobbie
Im quite new and only had 1 scan which was done early due to some breathing issues so Ive not had a proper '3 monthly' scan and all the horrid worry that goes with it. I can imagine I'll be the same though as are a lot of the ladies on here. Is there long to wait inbetween for the results? I had a CT scan then my appointment was a week after. Sometimes in a way it can be harder for our loved ones or at least as hard because they feel so helpless. Maybe plan something nice with your mum for after the scan, go for lunch or some retail therapy always works for me. If your mums too tired for any of that maybe make her a special afternoon tea or something. Nothing will fully take away the worry, we just have to try to distract ourselves. Fingers crossed for good results. Xx
Thanks so much. We have waited weeks in the past for results but this time it’s a few days. We have a few things planned but it’s just awful isn’t it. My mum is braver than me or she acts it and I act brave for her too. She is so positive and not letting anything beat her x
Aw bless you. You remind me of me n my daughter. We're all brave for others arent we. It is awful all the waiting and worrying. Then do it all again in 3 months. But on the plus side, ay least we"re being monitored so if treatment needs adjusting it can be done asap.
Keep your chin up. Your mums lucky to have your support. Good luck x
Worrying won't change the results, they are what they are already. Please don't think I'm being harsh, I'm not. But if you are worried it doesn't matter how well you think you are hiding it, your mum will know. She's your mum and you can't hide your feelings from your mum, and she won't want you worrying. Worrying takes a lot of precious energy.
It's absolutely fantastic that you are there for your mum, she is very lucky to have you. Waiting for results is never easy and plays horrible games with your head, but having someone just there with you while you wait makes a huge difference. And it's wonderful to have someone to be happy with when it's good news.
Hope for the best with your mum's results, prepare for the worst and deal with any bad news when it happens but not until. Fingers crossed for good results again.
I try not to worry but it’s hard isn’t it. We are always positive. My mum just believes all will be and is ok and that’s how it is. She amazes me with her positivity x
It is so hard to be positive and know it's not just a matter of saying be positive. But your mum probably needs to be positive and emotionally strong for her sanity, I know I do. The thought of letting negative thoughts gain the upper hand is frightening because I know once they start it becomes a downward spiral. Which is why I say you need to be positive for your mum (and yourself) because it's so much easier when people around you are positive. It's hard not to worry, I have times when I just want to scream, but I'd never let my daughter see that 😊
I have so much to say to you! lol--I can be so wordy! First let me tell you that my own mother died from lung cancer in 1985 and that was soooo much harder on me emotionally than having cancer myself! Being the patient, I get to do things against the cancer--take the meds, see my onc, have all the tests. As the daughter, or anybody who cares about someone with cancer, all I can do is be there, with no way to attack the darn cancer cells myself! Now being there is wonderful, as all of us with cancer and family/friends who do that for us, but it doesn't feel like enough. At least it didn't to me. Now to move on.....'scanxiety' is so common it has a name! lol And medical (I almost typed magical, lol) practices vary so much in how quickly they get results to patients! Some oncs know who nervous making it is and have a nurse call or mail or e mail results before appts. The cancer center I go to has a "patient portal" website where test results are posted in our accounts. Oncs vary alot in whether they want patients to have resultss before appts. I tell my doctors that our appts will be more worthwhile if I have results ahead of time to think about and digest so that any initial emotional reaction is calmed down and I can think about what to ask, what I want to consider next, all that kind of stuff. Sometimes we have to educate our doctors, and advocate for ourselves. I had a bone scan yesterday and the results should be to my doctor by tomorrow sometime. After 15 years, I am much more relaxed about tests and results than I was the first couple of years. Partly because I've had so many good ones, but also because I know there is always a plan about what's next. I hope your mom will get her results soon and that they will be great ones! Sending hugs to you both......
Thanks so much. My mum is only 18 months into diagnosis so it’s still raw and it was an all in one diagnoses. She found out within 8 hours that she had breast cancer, it had spread a lot and that her sore neck was actually a broken neck that she had been struggling with 😐 what I wish is that I could share my mums positive outlook to everyone suffering this awfulness. She is a little more anxious but she is just amazing. I think you all are. This site is so helpful x
15 years. Amazing!
Yeah, and it's definitely been one month, one week at a time! Though the bc specialist I saw for a second opinion recently was very encouraging about having time left. I am fortuante to have nice slow cancer cells that have responded very well to hormonal treatment, and bone only mets. Never had symptoms from the cancer, either. I really believe it is luck and not anything I've done, other than prescribed treatment. I'm 73 and have other health issues though nothing life threatening at the moment. Fatigue is my biggest day to day issue, though I still do all the laundry, most of the grocery shopping, and cook dinner about 4 times a week. My short term memory has taken a hit--yesterday I had a bone scan and drank the scan prep stuff that I'd gotten for a CT that's scheduled in early Sept! lol The radiology tech was very sweet and tried to arrange for me to have the CT yesterday, too, but couldn't reach my onc....... So I fasted for 4 hours when I didn't have to, that was the worst part. Fortunately, I can still laugh at my self.
I’m 71 and find myself in about the same place as you. I deal with the exhaustion by just pushing through it and taking short naps. I do the laundry, most of the cooking, the grocery shopping, and the gardening. I do have to write EVERYTHING down or I will forget. I don’t worry too much about scans either. Whatever is seen on it I’m already dealing with in some way. I trust my doctor to keep me going down the right path!
I sure hear you about writing things down! We have put a white board by the door to the garage and I write any weekly appts or other things we need to remember to do on it. And I almost never go to the grocery store without a written list. And I take lists of questions to all my doctor appts. certainly not what I expected my retirement years to be like, lol!
Does your mom’s oncologist test for tumor markers? If so, and these are stable or going down then you know the cancer is shrinking. I do not stress around scan results as much as more radiation going in to my liver , where my Mets are.
My last scan results were another 10-20% reduction in the tumors and I can go every 4 months now instead of 3! Yay!!
What’s your moms first name? I’ll pray for her today!
You are such a loving, supportive daughter, Bobbie! I had my 20-month scan yesterday and get results tomorrow. Very difficult to underestimate or control the effects of “scanxiety.” It’s the worst side effect of any cancer regimen. Please know that your mom has lots of support and encouragement from everyone here. Related by this disease as sister fighters! God bless you and your mom! ❤️🙏🏻
I wish you and your mum good results with her scan. Every scan is a worry but she has you for support. You have each other and as my daughter and I say we can handle anything together!
Love and hugs to both of you on this rollercoaster!
Yes my mum says we in everything haha. Her name is Pauline. She has gone 4 monthly this is the first time of waiting 4 months
That’s a great indicator that her oncologist has faith in her progress!! I am still on 3-month schedule. 👍👍❤️❤️
Scan results today guys. No progression all looks “nice” is what the dr said. Not the words I would use haha but all is good on this rollercoaster 🎢 for now anyway. 4 months to next scan now. 15 months into this journey she’s on letrazol and ibrance/palbociclib and bone injection monthly to help the numerous bone mets. Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes. X