Taking one month off Ibrance/Letrazole to lab allow numbers to improve and allow attending to other health issues. Will then resume regimen. Does anyone know of studies or anecdotal evidence on degree of risk or percentages of patients interrupting treatment for a month and subsequent progression of MBC?
Disease progression data/probabilitie... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Disease progression data/probabilities sought for one month off Letrazole/Ibrance, then resuming regimen.
Don’t have scientific info but everything I’ve heard including from my doc says you shouldn’t worry. Focus on getting your immune system back on track. Good luck and hope your other health issues resolve your up kly
I’m also off for a month and my oncologist was fairly relaxed about it. Starting again in two weeks.
I was off my combo for 8 weeks due to hip replacement surgery. My scan after that showed no change so I don’t think it will harm you. I have to wait 3 weeks each cycle for my neutrophils to get back to safe level.
I had a bowel obstruction in the middle of my Ibrance/Letrozole cycle in February 2019 and all my meds were stopped for 9 days. After 9 days I started over on Ibrance/letrozole cycle as usual and when I had my PETScan the other day everything was unchanged. Breaking that cycle didn’t hurt evidently but it sure made me nervous.