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Adding Herbs to Cancer-Fighting Diet

SeattleMom profile image
38 Replies

Hello! I am beginning my third month as an MBC patient. I'm curious about anyone's experience/knowledge with the addition of herbs to your cancer-fighting arsenal. Recently, I've read about an "immune booster" called astragalus. Is anyone currently using this or checked into its interaction with their existing protocol? From what I've read, it sounds as if it might counter the drop in white blood cell counts that occurs for many of us on Ibrance. Here's a little info I've read about this particular herb:

Astragalus is an herb. The root is used to make medicine.

Astragalus is used for many conditions, but so far, there isn’t enough scientific evidence to determine whether or not it is effective for any of them.

Astragalus is used for the common cold, upper respiratory infections, allergies, fibromyalgia, anemia, HIV/AIDS, and to strengthen and regulate the immune system. It is also used for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), kidney disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Some people use astragalus as a general tonic, to protect the liver, and to fight bacteria and viruses.

Astragalus is commonly used in combination with other herbs. For example, in combination with Ligustrum lucidum (glossy privet), astragalus is used orally for treating breast cancer, cervical cancer, and lung cancer.

Astragalus is sometimes applied to the skin to increase blood flow to the area and to speed wound healing.

There are several different species of astragalus. Some species contain a toxin called swainsonine and have been linked to livestock poisonings. Some of these species include Astragalus lentiginosus, Astragalus mollissimus, and others. However, these species of astragalus are usually not found in dietary supplements used by humans. Most astragalus supplements contain Astragalus membranaceous.

How does it work?

Astragalus seems to stimulate and increase the immune system..

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SeattleMom profile image
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38 Replies
TruthisGreat profile image

Hello Seattle Mom,

Yes, I take astragalus. And about 30 other things daily. I'm in Renton and would be very happy to meet if you are interested in all I've learned in the past few years on holistic therapies for cancer. I can be reached at lesa_keller at Earthlink dot net.

I can't get it out of my head that healing should not be harming. I do have MBC but I also have some doctors who are impressed w what I've done so far. We now know that I've had it for 30 plus years. And I'm living normally w no pain and playing tennis again on Monday!

We are all terminal because we are human, and I don't know my future or how I'm going to die... But I insist on quality of life while I'm here.

LadyReid profile image
LadyReid in reply to TruthisGreat

I not close , on east coast. However, would love to know what you take to be Normal with no pain.


TruthisGreat profile image
TruthisGreat in reply to LadyReid

I'm not an ND or have any formal credentials and I'm not giving anyone advice. I study voraciously and fill my brain with knowledge and am only sharing my story.

I use my logic and my intuition to develop a strategy that makes sense. For example: I've read "Free Your Body of Tumors and Cysts' by Hanna Kroger several times - it's great! I got all the supplements (very inexpensive from hannasherbshop about 10 months ago but never did it.) Then, about 6 weeks ago, I had a dream that mushrooms were growing out of my right upper arm. It was a lucid dream so I was able to have a conversation with my subconscious while dreaming. I said, "Oh, that looks pretty!" The mushrooms were growing out sideways and formed a symmetrical scallop effect. Then, I said to me, 'What are those?' Then I said, 'Oh! those are mushrooms!' Then I said, 'Oh, mushrooms are a fungus'. And then I said, "Ahhhh, I need to do the fungus cleanse, don't I?' To which I replied to myself, "Yep!" ( LOL - that's what it's like to be me.)

I know so much more than I did since my diagnosis because I keep studying. And my good friends, help me research all the time. Right now my protocols include the following: I'm doing my fungus/candida cleanse, 400 mg artemisinin & liquid iron 2x day for 4 days on and 3 days off; immunotherapy injections 2x week, regular saunas preceded by niacin, 20 minutes of exercise, a 45 minute sauna, and then a charcoal capsule to detox several times a week. I traded my coffee table for my rebounder from the garage and do a minute here and there to get oxygen running through my body. I do ECGC (green tea extract) combined with curcumin and sulforaphane (Vitalica) 2x day (the 3 of these work together); a full strength aspirin morning and night; liquid selenium 300 mcg daily (this alone reduces breast cancer by 50%); pre-biotics and mega sporebiotics 2x daily - get ones that have FOS; cranberry extract (I see people here are doing tart cherry juice - think that might do the same thing; B17 and chelated zinc 4x day; I'm doing a liver cleanse with my dog :) - we both needed it; I take anastrazole daily since my cancer is strongly correlated to estrogen; I play tennis 2x week and walk my dog and the neighbor dog for a mile daily. I also take magnolia bark, berberine, astralagus, adaptogens - aswahganda, querceterin, reshi mushrooms/turkey tail (needs to be cold water processed), I extract cannabis in my crock pot into coconut oil and put a tsp in my coffee each morning. I have dozens more options and rotate and change it up as I can manage or feel like it.

Digestive enzymes on an empty stomach are very important because they cut through the HCG around each cancer cell. HCG protein is the same as the placenta around a fetus so our immune system doesn't kill they baby. Cancer has created this same protection around each cell so that we can't get to it. A big challenge even with chemo which has a hard time killing off the STEM cancer cells which are responsible for replication. This is what my immunotherapy injections 2x a week do - cut through the HCG coating.

So far, I've refused chemotherapy and radiation but I've had surgery 2 times. Each of these things spread cancer - no doubt about it - lots of studies confirm this. I'd learned a great deal more just in the last 7 months, so after this last surgery to debulk and take the load off my body, I've made an extra effort to keep the cancer from taking hold.

Our gut health is very key to our immune system. One packet of Spenda can destroy 50% of our good bacteria. It is important to focus on gut health.

I'm terminal with stage 4 but I feel great with no pain. I work 70-90 hours a week for my job.

I remain humble. We've all experienced the intelligence of cancer. Who knows if all this effort will be enough but I know it has served me well. The anastrazole will have diminishing returns after a year and after two years, the cancer will find another source. I only started this 6 months ago and don't know what I'll do then.

My radiation oncologist said at my first appointment, "I've read your entire chart, and you had a LOT OF CANCER. No where did I read that you had chemotherapy or radiation. Anyone else, would be sitting here with cancer riddled through their body, tumors protruding through their skin, and in agonizing pain. You are none of those and even have a good spirit and attitude. I don't know anything about holistic, but whatever you are doing, (he shook his finger at me) you keep doing it!" I burst into tears because no oncologist had an inkling of the hard effort I was making and with little outside guidance. This guy is a keeper.

Radiation is strongly recommended, but before I'd do something that hurt my body, I have to exhaust the things that build it up. Cryoablation is my next back up - The doctor is an interventional radiologist and has done cryoablation for 15 years. This is what Jimmy Carter did for his brain cancer. And a friend did it 2 months ago. The procedure is not legal in the US and she went to Mexico City. She flew down Thursday evening, checked into the hospital Friday morning, checked out Saturday morning and was back in Seattle by Saturday night. She then went on a 30 day protocol to follow up the cryoablation. She feels great and happy! She will continue to do many of the same things I'm doing and probably some different things as her intuition guides her for a long time to come. She is similar to me and has had breast cancer for more than 10 years but following her intuition and continually researching and seeking consultations from professionals.

This cryoablation protocol is to help our immune system recognize cancer as a threat. Think of driving down a street with cars parked on either side. We don't give much attention because the parked cars are supposed to be there. It is the same for our cancer.... our immune system is patrolling down the street looking for threats to do it's job. The parked cars are not recognized as threats. This process is to teach our immune system to the danger that the parked cars are cancer! Dr. Williams has written a book and I'm happy to forward it on.

I hope my protocols will be sufficient to hold back the growth, but so happy to have knowledge about cryoablation as my next step if my efforts are unsuccessful. I figure everything I can do to hold back the ibrance, letrozole, and all the other drugs which can seriously disrupt my preference to live pleasantly, the better. All those things are available to me as well and meanwhile, I'll cruise along and listen to my dreams, research like crazy, and obey my inner guidance.

I have to add another thing before closing - I've dealt with death - well, for the most part. I say I might whimper at the end a little but have confidence in my beliefs and what I think will be coming. The IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies) have chapters around the country. This is for people who die and come back to tell their story. Dannion Brinkley, Saved by the Light; Betty Eadie, Embraced by the Light - are my favorite books. Remember to not rush into the white light - stop, think, and listen to your guidance - the white light is a trap! No need to rush - we'll have plenty of time in eternity. Knowing I chose to come to this time in history with all the corruption and barbaric medicine, gives me peace in thinking I must have had a good reason for doing so. How We Die by Sherwin Nuland, and Being Mortal by Atul Gawande are all terrific reads. Being Mortal also has a DVD to watch with the family. Ageless Body, Timeless Mind is great by Deepak Chopra, All are very inspiring and reassuring to relax and go into our headspace, into our soul, to live our path. Death is not a failure, it is a guarantee. When we go through this sooner than we'd expected, it is yet another gift we give to our loved ones, who have the opportunity to deal with their impending passing as well.

I've really apprecatiated HealthUnlocked and you all have added to my understanding. We are all different and cannot compare or judge. None of us are truly given the miracle because it is the journey and not the destination. Thanks everyone for giving me this extra long opportunity to share. I don't want to impose on your good nature so if anyone wants more - please email me directly at lesa_kellerat earthlink dot net. I'm happy to share whatever I have.

Swtberry profile image
Swtberry in reply to TruthisGreat

I'm in Texas, I wish to learn more or see any good holistic or alternative med to add to my mbc treatment. Constantly in pain and more.

SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to TruthisGreat

Hello, Lesa! YES! I'd very much like to meet with you! My mom is currently in rehab at the Kline Galland Home in Seward Park, so I could probably meet you somewhere down near you. I'll send email with my info. Thanks for reaching out! Linda

TruthisGreat profile image

I have three friends who S this doctor and love him.

PatSailsbery profile image

Have you run this by your oncologist? It is important that he/she knows what supplements you are taking (or plan to take). Some may have negative side effects with your particular chemo and/or other meds. in your treatment plan.

SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to PatSailsbery

Yes, Pat, I asked question online of my oncologist; I'll repost his response. Thanks for your reminder that this is always a first step! God bless!

TruthisGreat profile image
TruthisGreat in reply to PatSailsbery

This is from Cancer Treatment Centers of America. I also have notes I took from a lecture I'd attended on this subject.

theresac1 profile image
theresac1 in reply to TruthisGreat

TruthisGreat, how long have you had metastatic cancer? I was diagnosed last May, had a single mastectomy and lymph nodes removed, found that I have Lobular invasive breast cancer spread to my was rib bone. I had pain in that specific spot for 3 years thinking it was pain from a pinched nerve. I am on Ibrance and letrozole, 7 months. My doctor doesn’t believe in mushrooms. I wanted to take a mushroom supplement called “Critical Care immune boost” from Aloha Medicinals. He told me not to take it. My husband supports what I doing but doesn’t believe in all holistic medicine. I take turmeric, omega 3, Co-enzyme Q10, probiotics, calcium, greens, B12, I turned Vegan, don’t eat processed food or sugars. I drink coffee, in the morning, green tea, ginger tea. Just two weeks ago I felt pain in a different part of my back. I’m now worried the cancer may be spreading. I’m supposed to have my second scan in a month. Where do you get all your supplements? On line or a local store? Do you juice? Have a specific diet? Thanks!

Rhwright12 profile image

I believe in taking supplements as well...I take the Magi Complex now (Frankincense, myrrh and turmeric ) but may be switching to Cell Stop soon which has like 12 natural elements in it. A lot of them that fight BC and some cancer in general... I love the way I feel...I’ve lost 40 pounds and take Tabata circuit training class once a week and am planning a vacation again this summer...I have a feeling when they cure this thing it won’t have anything to do with traditional chemo! - Just my opinion...

SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to Rhwright12

I think that many will agree with you about chemo; I am guessing there will be a time in the future (probably not in this generation) when some drug therapies will be considered way too toxic and almost archaic! Many thanks for the tips on alternative meds.

Partia profile image

Check out Sloan Kettering website. You can list any herb in there. For a while I was taking five different mushroom powders but I also take blood thinners and I found out I shouldn't take it. I also wanted to take L-glutamine but now I'm hearing bad things about that. Also I was wanting to take flaxseed because of the lignans that were supposed to help cancer. Someone told me that really isn't that good either because it's a zyto estrogen and my cancer is estrogen fueled. I need to take my own advice and go check with Sloan-Kettering. Check it out

SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to Partia

Many thanks, Partia! Such useful info! God bless you on this journey! Linda

Partia profile image
Partia in reply to SeattleMom

You too. All the best.

LadyReid profile image
LadyReid in reply to Partia

I heard ginger root is the best to use daily.

SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to LadyReid

Hi, LadyReid! Yes, I've heard a lot of great things about ginger root, too! Will definitely look into that a bit more. Thanks for you input--God bless you on this journey! Linda

LadyReid profile image
LadyReid in reply to SeattleMom

Hello Seattle Mom

You are quiet welcome. I was able to down an app from Sloan Kettering gives info about all sorts of herbs and side effects. “ about herb” app.

SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to LadyReid

Thank you! I'll check it out again! :)

PJBinMI profile image

The CAM (complimentary and alternative medicine) site that I trust is the Annie Appleseed Project. They pay attention to research and that is somewhat unusual in CAM circles, where "anecdotal evidence" is the norm, meaning they rely on folks statements that they were helped by whatever. At the last couple of breast cancer conferences I attended, several oncs, researchers, other presenters, mentioned there being an overlap between cancer and inflammation, which suggests that reducing inflammation can help control cancer. About that time, my primary care physician (pcp), a woman DO, had given me some suggestions about reducing inflammation: 1 cup of tart cherry juice a day (available at the grocery store), turmeric (aka curcumin & cumin, a spice), fish oil, and glucosamine/chondrotin. My left ankle swells often since a nasty fracture a few years ago, and within a day of drinking the cherry juice and putting cumin in food, that swelling went down alot. If you want to reduce inflammation, avoiding tomatoes (sad), bell papers (a little sad) and egg plant (not hard to do) is a helpful thing to do as those all can contribute to inflammation.

I agree that we need to ask our oncs about any supplements we want to use. There can be interactions with meds, and we sure don't need to add that to our poor ol' bodies!

The breast cancer specialist I saw just after initial staging, when bone mets were found and I leapt from expecting time limited treatment to stage IV and always to be in treatment, told me that this is not the time to be on any diet that is difficult to stay on. She recommended eating a well balanced diet. That was almost 14 years ago! I've done remarkably well but I believe that is mostly because I am fortunate to have a bunch of cooperative cancer cells that are easily controlled with hormonal therapy.

Just an anecdote--the first 18-24 months after I was diagnosed, I didn't drink any alcohol. It just didn't appeal to be and I wanted to do anything that would make me feel at all "off." Then I realized that nobody had told me to not drink, and that I missed having a nice glass of Merlot with spaghetti or an occasional beer. So since then I have had an occasional drink, rarely hard liquor and rarely more than one glass of whatever and rarely more than two times in a month, so obviously not a big drinker, lol.

Again, anecdotal, but most of the women I have known who have lived over 7 or 8 years with mbc have not been using CAM, or at the most have taken calcium and/or vitamins. Alot of us don't get enough Vit D, and I don't mean just cancer patients.

I think one of the best things most of us can do for ourselves is to get a second opinion from an oncologist who specializes in bc. The top tier of cancer centers in the US are listed on the website of the National Cancer Institute. Comprehensive Cancer Centers are tops and have bc specialist oncs who both see patients and do research. My insurance covered my second opinion eval except for the usual co pay for the office visit My onc encouraged me to do that and got it schedule for me, within 10 days of her suggesting it. That appt was hugely reassuring to my husband and grown daughter, who went with me. Alot of us who are older, have an E + cancer that responds to hormonal treatment, do really well for a long time . And some who don't fit that profile, do too! I hope you will be one who does!

SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to PJBinMI

Thank you PJB in Michigan? What a lot of GREAT INFORMATION!!! Before finishing your post, I was already on Amazon ordering 24 8-oz bottles of tart cherry juice! You provided so much food for thought--thanks for all of the time and care you invested in your reply! XXOO

LadyReid profile image
LadyReid in reply to PJBinMI

Hello PjbinMI

Try swell no more pills. Can find them on line. Help me initially when my legs swelled up like a sausage. I cut out regular salt. I switch to himayalan salt or sea salt very little. I increase my water and dark green salt to twice a day. Appears to help me. I also eat 1/3 avocado everyday. Just check nothing interferes with meds. Check the “about herb “app. If on steroids or blood thinners can cause swelling.

If you eat a lot of nature foods it helps cut down inflammation. Maybe check out “keystone foods” good to eat.

Hope these suggestions helps.


SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to LadyReid

Many thanks, LadyReid! I'll check it out. Have a great day!

SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to PJBinMI

Hello again, PJB! Just thought I'd follow up that I had second opinion from BC specialist at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance last week and oncologist there totally agrees with you--she said that lots of supplements are simply a waste of money and that best additions to a good daily diet are Calcium and Vitamin D. I'm curious about whether you ever received radiation and/or monthly injection of Xgeva for the bone mets? Bless you! Linda in Seattle

PJBinMI profile image

You are welcome! I've been able to find tart cherry juice on the shelves at my local small town grocery store, right with the other juices. It is pretty tart--I usually mix it with orange juice and that tastes pretty good but is a pretty dreadful color! lol

tmills64 profile image

Yes, I have been on it since the beginning of treatment. I just started my 12th cycle of ibrance and letrozole. I truly believe it has kept my white count stay up. I also take Maitake gold. I take vitamin d calcium and magnesium a probiotic. At the CANCER treatment center of America you work with a dietician and a naturopathic doctor. Hope that helps.

SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to tmills64

Thanks for your reply! Can you tell me a little bit about Maitake Gold, why you take it, and how it helps. Many thanks!!

tmills64 profile image
tmills64 in reply to SeattleMom

It is also to help with your white counts .

SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to tmills64

Thanks much!

Partia profile image
Partia in reply to tmills64

You drink cherry juice too?

SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to Partia

Yes! Just started about a week a go drinking about 8-16 oz per day.

PJBinMI profile image
PJBinMI in reply to tmills64

I don't have alot of respect for Cancer Treatment Centers of America. They are very good at marketing themselves and providing comfort and things like dietitians but I have never ever seen any of their oncs speak at the big bc conferences. My step daugher's other in law was treated by them for a different cancer and they kept her in aggressive treatment long after she probably would have been put on hospice care by most bc oncs and she was sicker and had bigger medical bills than and probably died sooner than if she'd had hospice. Personally, I would never rely on CTCA!

RLN-overcomer profile image

Greeting :sister/warrior thank you for putting that Gods green earth information on

Astragalus. I take 30 of Gods green earth supplements daily/nightly, and four of them

are anti-oxidants. Have a God blessed day. I know it is super bowl Sunday, so everybody

enjoy your hot wings , and beverages in moderation. Don't forget to give God his praise. I

am told that our God is a jealous God. I like to watch the super-bowl, but I love God. God

does supersede the super bowl. Amen XoXoXoXoXo

SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to RLN-overcomer

Greetings back to you, Sister Warrior/Comrade Fighter!! Would you mind sharing more of your story and how you came to embrace all of your supplements? Also, any chance you might share which ones you take and their purposes? God bless you--loved your reply!!

RLN-overcomer profile image

Greetings:Sister,SeattleMom sorry for the delay, i lost two of my longest and closest friends in a 10 day span, but I am happy to know they both have their salvation ,and are celebrating in heaven. God lends our loved ones to us, and I am grateful for the great memories God allowed us to have.

To answer your question ,I am knowledgeable of many different herbs, supplements, and oils , I am not a certified herbalist or homeopathic Dr, nor am I an Integrative Dr. I spoke with two integrative Dr's. to confirm that the supplements I customized for me were the right ones for me, and that they are taken in the right amounts , and combinations for me.

There are a couple of supplements I can't mention because my health insurance coverage could be impacted negatively. In 2008 my traditional medical doctors who have not been trained, and have not studied modern natural modalities, told me not to use any natural supplements. Can I believe a doctor who told me I would not live to see 2009, yet I am here with NED communicating with you in 2018 LOL . I believe that Dr/Gods green earth supplements have kept me able bodied, and able minded with no pain or challenges.

I can tell you the books I live by that are in priority order after the #1 book the Bible of course is :.#2 Bloodtype diet, by Joseph Christiano. You have to buy the book that corresponds to your blood type, #3 The Natural Pharmacy by Dr Alan Gary M.D.,#4 Prescriptions for DRUG ALTERNATIVES, James Balch M.D., Mark Stengler N.D, and Robin Young Balch N.D. #5 Stealth Health ,readers Digest, #6 Foods harm/Foods heal Readers Digest, #7 The worlds greatest Treasury of HEALTH SECRETS by Bottom line . I am going to stop here because I could go on forever. The books I use , and the sites I use, I don't purchase their supplements, which are pretty expensive, but I find the quality items I want at a great price point at, which I have been using years before Dr. Oz became one of their partners.

It would be hard for me to tell you the 30 supplements I take, 15 in the morning ,and 15 at night with food, and the amounts, because as I said before these supplements are custom for me. I have researched more than a 5,000 hours in the last 10 years on non-traditional modalities., for me and my closest loved ones. I probably need to go back to college and become certified. My dad calls me Dr. especially when he has something that's bothering him that he wants me to look up.(smile).

This is my healthy/wealthy living customized program. My exercise routine consists of 20- 30 minutes interval training, power yoga, calisthenics, and some weight lifting ,yes even with my 12 lymph nodes removal arm. I usually get 7:30 hrs sleep, I drink 66 ounces or more of alkaline H20 with garlic, ginger root, organic lemon or lime added with the skin infused in the water I drink, and also add the same in my green tea. I make it a habit of drinking half my weight or more of water for my 135 lb 5' 7' frame.

I take a Rainbow light Women's One a Day caplet w/cancer fighting supplements, digestive enzymes, and many other benefits, that other, One a Days don't even come close to replicating. I take Calcium magnesium, zinc combo caplets, a 10 strain high organism Probiotic supplement, a Green tea extract cap, a Trans-Resvertrol cap, Flaxseed/Fish oil complex caps, Veggie basics caplets, Quercetin/Bromelaine caps, a high mg. vitamin C time released cap, a COQ10, cap, a Blackseed oil cap, Triple advanced , with MSM,and hylauronic acid Glucosamine/Chondroitin caps, Lutein w/Zeaxanthin., and 5,000 D3 daily. These are the most important ones I can mention.

If I get the Flu or a bad cold I will double up on some capsules. I will use a couple of tea tree oil drops inside my saline nasal spray. I also will add 1-2 drops of tea tree oil inside my 16 oz cup of green tea. I will not take aspirin which doesn't allow the body to sweat to remove the virus. I will drink plenty of hot beverages only, and I will wrap up in thermals, and comforters to sweat it out.

I don't take communion at church. I am in symbolic acknowledgement with my sisters and brothers in Christ who practice communion. This flu season is now one of the deadliest in history. My church seats 3,000 people. God knows this practice ,and the shake hands with ten people practice in my church at the start, and end of every service needs to be adjusted/revamped. Don't forget to clean, and sanitize your cell phones when you get home. The CDC has just recently acknowledged that the flu virus is airborne even through normal breathing of someone who has the flu, especially during the first 3-5 days incubation period. Sorrrrrrrrry if I have frightened anyone. God keep us all safe from the flu especially those of us with compromised immune systems due to the battle already being fought. Warriors I pray that all that celebrated, and those who didn't had a amazing Happy Valentines Day Amen.

LadyReid profile image
LadyReid in reply to RLN-overcomer

May the lord continue to bless you. May your relatives whom passed Rest In Peace. Thank you also for the wealth of information on the supplements you take. Yes vitamin is one of the main vitamins we must take since we stay indoors more in the winter months. The immune system become very low. I have read we need about 5,000 to 10,000 vitamin D. Especially with MBC. In the summer months when outside we get about 10,000 to 30,000 iu of vitamin D. By dec to Jan we have depleted the vitamin D in our system. That’s why we get sick. ( disclaimer, I’m NOT a doctor or salesperson) I’m just sharing my knowledge based on books I’ve read and knowledge I gained from experience or learned from : TV- know the cause. Which can be seen on Facebook or you tube- mr Kaufman. Great show about diseases.

It’s true we need extra supplements to fight the MBC. It’s a lot of pills but it works. Vita cost is a great website to get supplements. Carson brand is the better vitamin D to get.

Wish everyone luck.

Lady Reid

RLN-overcomer profile image
RLN-overcomer in reply to LadyReid

Greetings: Sister/Warrior/LadyReid. Thank-you for the condolences on the lost of my friends. I know Lord/God has added 2 more angels, and that these angels are smiling down on me and, their loved ones.

The darker your skin the more vitamin D3 you need. I call D3 one of Gods gifts, which is sunshine in a capsule without the suns damaging U.V.rays ,that cause wrinkles aka ( premature aging), and worst skin cancer. Eight years ago my doctor humored me, and he allowed me to test my D3 levels, and my potassium levels at the same time when my tumor markers were being tested . The results came back and my D3 levels, and my potassium levels were very low. Eight years ago I was taking 400 I.U.'s of D3,. After that blood test I started taking 5,000 I.U.s daily of D3, and i also took a potassium capsule for six months,. After six months I had another blood test done, and my D3 levels were in a perfect right down the middle range. Two ( 2) different Integrative doctors believed this was a perfect range. It takes six months to get to the optimal level. The darker your skin the more D3 you will need to take. My potassium, and trace minerals capsules stopped the horrible leg and foot cramps I was waking up in the middle of the night with.

Our food's organic , and non organic soil sources are depleted of nutrients, and trace minerals .It would be irrational to think that we can, or should eat 15 peaches a day to get the same nutritional value we would have gotten from a peach 25-30 years ago. This is why supplements are so important. God bless you and all of the warriors out there, and a special shout out prayer for Harry's sister, who is fighting for more days,weeks, months ,and God willing years with her young children, and her loved ones. XoXoXoXo

SeattleMom profile image

Hello, Sister/RLN Overcomer!

I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friends and hope your heart is healing! You have a great perspective about everyone's "loan" to friends by God. God bless you!

And you are absolutely a wealth of information! Thank you for all of your food for thought!! Have a blessed day!

Linda in Seattle

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