I had a lumpectomy just under three months ago following a diagnosis of DCIS after a routine mammogram. It was barely detectable so although I don't feel particularly lucky, I know I was lucky to have it discovered early. The surgery was successful in removing the cancer with a clear margin. Because it was a higher grade than they anticipated (grade 3) they also advised radiotherapy. Unfortunately, I developed a large haematoma in the breast which has put everything on hold and it left me in limbo just waiting for it to be absorbed, which they told me can take 6-8 weeks. This gave me a lot of time to get more and more anxious about the radiotherapy. Last week, I finally had the CT scan and measurements taken in preparation for the radio, which is likely to take place in 3-4 weeks. I have had rheumatoid arthritis for many years and often have pain in my wrists, hands and shoulders and very limited movement in my shoulders. This has added an extra layer of worry as I have been very anxious about getting into position for surgery and radiotherapy. They managed me well for both, although it was difficult, but I still feel very anxious about all the possible side effects making things even more difficult for me down the line, Hopefully all will be well but the cancer on top of the RA is a lot to take on. Sorry, this is a long post but I've seen what a supportive place this can be. Thanks for reading.😅
DCIS, Lumpectomy and Rheumatoid Arthr... - SHARE Breast Canc...
DCIS, Lumpectomy and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Singing Jay,
I also had DCIS lumpectomy which was followed by radiotherapy. I had the option of doing a five day targeted radiation treatment. My doctor explained this treatment provided less side effects than whole breast. I found this was not a hard procedure and had little to no side effects. Of course, I was not having to deal with rheumatoid arthritis as you are. Hopefully they will offer you this, if not already, and the time you have to spend in one position will be shorter. As you said cancer and RA is a lot at one time, but you will overcome this. Like you, I can't say we are "lucky" --- but we are blessed to know that our cancer was found and gone.
Thanks so much for replying twiceshy2. It's good to know that your treatment went well. I'm going to have radiotherapy over 5 days but I believe it will be whole breast treatment. I now know that I will be starting this mid September. I'm trying not to overthink it but the delay due to the haematoma has really not helped my anxiety levels. I know that you are right that we need to be thankful that our cancer was discoveed early and removed.