Taking Anastrozole (arimidex) & suffe... - SHARE Breast Canc...

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Taking Anastrozole (arimidex) & suffering big-time major depression but onco nurse says that's not the major complaint-Anyone have this?

Calista8 profile image
16 Replies

Hey folks, I'm new here and pasted below is my diagnosis & treatments. I'm 60 and am currently taking 1mg of Anastrozole (aromatase inhibitor) daily for my ER+ HER2- stage 2 breast cancer since 4/22. Completed active treatments w rads at the end of May 2022. I suffered from depression pre-treatment & have been diagnosed & been on meds etc, but I tapered off all psy meds 1.5 years ago (they didn't help) but I've noticed a big change now & not sure if it's just a combined effect of a bunch of bad personal stuff (long story) and cancer as well as maybe the drug or what. Yes, I have a psychiatrist and therapist, but they just point to the hellscape that's my life, but I really want to hear from other people. I do intend to continue w the aromatase inhibitor & would rather not switch to a different one at present.

According to the nurse at my onco's office, depression is a potential side effect (duh...) but their office doesn't seem to have that many folks w that issue, and certainly not like...in a clinical major depression not dressing or bathing for weeks(more or less). She said I can go off it for 2-3 wks & see if I feel better, and if so, then we can talk about switching meds, but I don't want to do that for several reasons, including, I don't even know if one could expect a bounce after going off for such a short period, and sadly, neither did she.

So folks, anyone have this issue/side effect? If you did, did you have a pre-existing depression or psychiatric diagnosis such as depression or bipolar etc and notice things getting worse w the drug? Whether you suffered from depression or other psychiatric diagnosis before OR if you did not, what did you do to treat the issue? Take a break? Switch meds? Try an antidepressant & if so which ones? Try a different class of drug?

Thanks so very much for reading all of this and I really look forward to your responses. Calista

PS The details of my diagnosis etc don't seem super relevant, but just in case here it is: Stage 2 ER+ Her- mixed ductal lobular invasive carcinoma Surgeries: 9/21 bilateral mastectomy & expander placement; 11/21 axillary lymphemectomy complete; 3/22 expanders to implant surgery; 4 rounds of TC chemo; Proton therapy radiation 5.6 wks (28 sessions) completed May 2022.

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Calista8 profile image
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16 Replies
veriterc profile image

Don't know if we have same problems, but sounds like it. I was on Tamoxifen, then switched to Aromasin then Arimidex. I think this was because I kept on reporting nasty side effects, which were dismissed with "it's your age". I started a blog to tell others what I found helpful aftercancers.com

Calista8 profile image
Calista8 in reply to veriterc

Thank you! Anastrozole is Arimidex. How are you doing these days? I will look for your blog

Editor2023 profile image
Editor2023 in reply to Calista8

Have you checked your Vitamin D level? If it's low, that can contribute to depression. You can order a test yourself, no MD Rx, for $35 from LifeExtension.com and go to LabCorp or Quest for the blood draw.

JeanE41 profile image

I'm sorry you have having such a difficult time. I have been on anastrazole for over seven years and though I do have some side effects, depression has not been one of them. I am 81 years old and live in the USA. You might benefit from an evaluation by a mental health professional for possible treatment with medication or with some of the other, newer treatment modalities that are available. You have been through a lot and need to give yourself credit for all you have survived. In many cases depression is caused by a biochemical imbalance, but can also be situational. Please continue to look for help.Take care.


Calista8 profile image
Calista8 in reply to JeanE41

Thanks for responding. I have a psychiatrist and a therapist and rather than go on new or different meds which never worked in 15 years, I may try transcranial stimulation. Depression has been an issue, but now, I'm in a super bad place, not dressing ever and barely bathing. I showed today as I had a virtual therapy appointment. I made an appointment w the shrink for tomorrow. I just hate taking these crazy meds they try. My brain is crap as it is. This just isn't tenable and it feels different. I know it's not all the meds fault tho. I'm isolated and alone and have been let down super dramatically and it's a struggle to eat. I really don't tell the professionals always how bad I am as I'm not looking to go inpatient. I guess I'll just try more drugs and bear those side effects. I really appreciate your response and will keep trying to figure this out. I haven't even processed anything yet. I just feel so dismissed w the doctors etc. Oh well. I'm a tough cookie. I will soldier on. I already have osteoarthritis bad in my spine and hand, and osteoporosis. It's funny, people thought I "looked healthy" because I'm tall and thin and I'm a great faker. The only good news is I don't have any kids to worry about. Just a super sweet dog who a friend absolutely loves. Thanks again.

JeanE41 profile image
JeanE41 in reply to Calista8

Transcranial stimulation may be a good option. One of my daughters is looking into it for herself.

TexasETS profile image

I have been on anastrozole for 3 1/2 years. After first taking the drug for about 6 months my husband said I had a personality change. Very quiet and sort of emotionless. However, I didn’t feel depressed. Since then I’m back to my normal self and the more common side effects plague me now; hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia and joint pain are the main problems. Hopefully you can work past the depression!! Hugs from Texas.

Calista8 profile image
Calista8 in reply to TexasETS

Well it's nice to here that those personality changes seem to have resolved and w luck, mine will. I have all the other crap you mention. I can live w that. This other thing - being this low - is untenable. But I will soldier on for now. Thank you!

Dflur profile image

I ve been on anastrozole for 4 years, I think the aches in muscles and bones are from it, but I am not depressed, I have not heard that before.

Calista8 profile image
Calista8 in reply to Dflur

Thanks. It's a listed side effect, but I got rocked by it. Bad.

veriterc profile image

I am doing fine - but don't want to depress you. I find that once you finish the first stages of treatment, the medicsl think that's it. Usually, it is, but a small % get long-term side effects, and I try to post info that is useful for us,

Burningrock profile image

Have you thought about joining an online breast cancer support group? There is a zoom group which has participants from throughout the US. It’s called Each Moment We’re Alive. It meets on Tuesday nights and is free of charge. They have a Facebook presence, or you can google. It was recommended to me by a social worker when I was diagnosed during Covid and there were no in person services. Highly recommend. I am happy to provide more information if you or anyone is interested.

Healinhand profile image

St Johns wort seems to help my wife. Shes been taking it for several years, and I upped the dosage recently because of the anxiety. Shes doing better and will be lowering it back down soon. St. Johns wort takes awhile to get any effect, but it does work.

Poukah43 profile image
Poukah43 in reply to Healinhand

I had to stop taking St. John's Wort, which worked well, because it interacts pave oorly with anastrozole. Studies show that St. John's Wort actually works as well as prescription SRIs, but I had to give it up. Instead, I began trying a daily meditation practice and keeping on hand valerian for anxiety and for winding down before bed, if needed. So far (after 3 months on the AI) and to my surprise, mindfulness meditation seems to be helping me keep a mostly steady, calm mood.

chellmom profile image

I’m so sorry to hear about your struggle. I’ve been on anastrozole since July and my only side effects are joint and muscle aches; the hot flashes pre-dated the med!

Have you considered ketamine treatment? Not sure where you are, but it’s now approved in the US for depression that hasn’t responded to other treatment and has a high success rate.

Wishing you the best in your efforts at healing!💓

Jillwithers profile image

Hi. You are amazing for what you have gone through. I am currently taking arimidex. I have not had any side effects. Maybe you need to speak to a professional. I did. And it helped me immensely! I am on an antidepressant. It really helped. Sending you positive thoughts! Stay strong. I am woman hear me roar!!

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