I have suffered for many many years with RLS and now at the age of 41 I think I have come across the first remedy that actually has any genuine benefit for me. I have been taking a pre and pro biotic supplement for about 7 weeks approx and I am honestly baffled but delighted with the improvement in my sleep. Getting to sleep has always been a big problem for my legs and I have frequently opted for the spare bed to spare my partner the significant disruption caused by my twitching, jerking and anger from me at my own body. Early days I guess but for the first time I feel genuinely optimistic that I am getting some relief from the nightmare that is RLS.
RLS relief after MANY years... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS relief after MANY years...

That's great! Long may it continue!
There is a lot of chat about the biome being important. Seems like it's working for you!
Oh It is really great news May it last long.could you elaborae me about pre/probiotic suppliment.What are those ? those contain .Please name those for my info.I sufering suffering .
I take a supplement called INNOPURE which is available on Amazon. Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Inulin are the two main ingredients. Essentially it promotes a healthy gut which has a beneficial knock on effect elsewhere including sleep as I have found.
Interesting. Have you read Michael Mosley's 'the Clever Guts Diet'? Despite the name, not another weight loss diet, but one to restore your innards to good health. There's a website as well.
It was actually michael Mosley's feature on "trust me I'm a doctor" that promoted me to try the supplement 👍🏻
Dr in the house a U.K. Programme treated a boy with low friendly gut bacteria. He was advised to eat baked apples and cinnamon for two weeks to repopulate his gut bacteria quickly. I've been doing that and I also add ground linseed and sheeps live yoghurt. I found a recipe for saur kraut on line as well. I eat organic with ground linseed, nuts etc. I eat a lot of stews with lentils, roasted vegetables, spices inc turmeric. I purchase organic food when it is on offer as vital nutrients are missing from our diets due to modern farming techniques.
I have read that these foods are good for your gut bacteria.
My symptoms have improved greatly.
Hope this helps.
I've been doing the same and have noticed significant improvements. My RLS returns if I eat high carb processed foods or drink alcohol.
Taking pre and probiotics can help microbiome but will fail as long-term solution unless one feeds their gut friends the foods, and especially the fiber they thrive on. Processed foods make them ineffective, animal foods kill them. Pouring water on a fire fails ig gasoline is fed to the flames at the same time. Here is the research:
Do you take these at a particular time of day? I'm just wondering if they are best taken just before symptoms usually start
I have been taking BIMUNO POWDER IN SACHETS know for about 14days (it was a free trail) but I have sent for some more, hoping it will help my sleep problems which is associated with RLS. I know it does say on the brochure that came with the sachets that it will help with your sleep.so I presumed it will help the RLS hope so anyway.
Its wonderful to hear that at last you are now getting relief.
I do hope others try your remedy.
Very interesting. I have just had a vascular scan which is the last in a barrage of tests I have had.
Been down every medical road still no answers to my RLS which I have had for 50 years and got worse as I got older. So maybe the answer is in the gut. Can't fault my doctors who have tried to find out what causes RLS. But now I think a different approach could be beneficial.
Well it certainly is worth looking at the biotics. If nothing else, it is relatively cheap, very easy to manage (I take one capsule a day) and there are NO side effects that I am aware of. I have recommended it to my mum who has also suffered with RLS for a similar number of years. Worst case scenario you will have a much healthier gut 👍🏻. I haven't had to sleep in the spare room for a few weeks now !!
hi as well as plmd suffer with ibs and I'm on a forum for that as well. Apparently there are only two probiotics that survive getting to the right areas one is called Symprove which is a liquid taken every day for 12 weeks , I've tried it and it really helped but its expensive so I couldn't keep taking it. I'm now making my own Milk kefir which contains millions of bacteria is not expensive so can take it indefinitely.