still going nuts......: excuse everyone... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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still going nuts......

18 Replies

excuse everyone going mouth off ggrrr this is silly (simple word can't spell one i wanted lol ) hows a person suppose to survive on couple hours a night or less for the last few years nights becoming days or is it the other way round ho ho.... ,

legs and arms going for it driving me nuts... wish i could find a dr that i can understand let alone understand what it is i have ggrrrr.... i'd do better talking to a tree or even listening to one , just one night that's all i ask even gave up reading years ago can't keep still for half a page,

wonder does anyone actually think about the cost of having RLS not so much this time of year but during the winter months keep saying it and i'll say it again the Electric and gas must make some money out of some of us ,

sorry ranting on ... :( no one to moan to .. 4.23am think i'll go for a bath again..

moaning over .. for now :'(

sal,, Lincolnshire UK

18 Replies
Cobourg profile image

Hi sal, I know exactly what you mean. I had a real rotten night last night. Started with right leg, then one arm, that stopped then the other leg, back to the other arm then finally settled in my ankle. Slept finally in the sofa!!!!!


jumpylegs profile image

Lack of sleep affects us in so many ways.

For the last few years of my working life I was coping with about 3 hours sleep per night, and working full time. Evenually I reduced it to 4 days, and then down to 3 days. This helped somewhat and as soon as I reached retirement age..... I took retirement. This makes life so much easier but of course not an option for most folks.

Sounds like medications need a big overhaul.

Morning having finaily going off to sleep round about 6.30/7 up at 9 bout normal sometime 3am to bout 5am varies but rarely more the 2hrs gggrrrr :( been like that for yrs and like you Margaret goes from one to the other you think it's going for it to start the other side gggrr then get annoyed which doesn't help ,

Lucky i don't work jumpylegs don't think i could not on any meds ... finally got an appointment see a dr that i can understand on the 21 Augs see what happens eh! have been on some meds over the year that stops working after few days see what happens when i go see him ,


magggzzz profile image

I have the opposite problem. I take clonazepam and gabapentin for my RLS. I've tried other things but they don't seem to work. Anyway both these things are major knock out drops and I'm generally asleep on the sofa by about 8 or 9 at night. At some point I wake up and drag myself to bed. I can wake up in the morning and I only feel sluggish if it's been a really bad evening and I've had to take a lot of both but I have no evening most days. I'm getting too much sleep and I know my saying this will drive some of you mad but I do feel like I'm missing out on something (like a life).

ELLSBELLS profile image


Cobourg profile image

Well I am ready to take me meds now and I am wondering what to overdose on to get some sleep tonight. Prega doesn't seem to be doing anything, 2 x 0.35mg mirapex not working but off to the the neruro (XXZX) on the 30th see what he says. Night all


Good luck hope you get some sleep Margaret :) wish i could my damn legs already been at it last couple hours and i only just sat down :( what with having my 4yr old granddaughter here keeping me on my toe ,

i saw a Neuro whats it too bout 4 yrs ago not much help did all the probsing test with needles and electric currant through them as they say that test doesn't show RLS all my blood came back normal so not lacking Iron or any kidney up sets gues i'm normal apart from RLS LOL hmm not sure whether would had been better have something that was detected in test and some sort cure or what,

im not on any meds at moment haven't been for yrs ,

like you Ellsbells i'm placid too and take things what life throws but only so much a person can take , im single i get close to a guy but then when i haven't slept i become different and fall out seems so unfair not only that to be honest i don't think i could put a guy through my lack of sleep and keeping him awake all night more so if working,

i get weepy too over silly things and yet im a strong person and don't normally let things bother me and yet when not slept...........anyone says anything wrong im gone ...


know what your saying the odd times i had slept i actually felt like crap next morning asked the dr why he said cos my body so use to not sleeping when sleep does come it a bit of a shock lol i wouldn't want take any meds that would make me feel like crap that's for sure

said it before and say it again Weed bloody good for RLS works for me even dr said use if can onl tried few times as i don't know anyone that has it lol doesnt make me high just makes me sleep no side effect

hope you all sleep tonight with sweet and peacful dreams

sal x

Cobourg profile image

Hi, I took a sleep pill went to bed at 9.30, not really walking straight, then woke this morning at 6.30 thought I was dead!!. What a sleep. Now i can cope for a few days. Maybe the steriod injection i had yesterday helped (not the RLS) but all the other problems I have. I feel for the rest of you that were up last night.


stevio profile image

Hi, another night without sleep.One thing about not sleeping,it gives me a chance to research stuff without interruption. It looks like a diet high in foods that produce dopamine or that help the body to make dopamine would be advantageous I'm gonna try this see what happens.

I tried sleeping tabs once ...never again didn't make me sleep made my RLS highly active went on overdrive , yeah i heard bout diet high in something usually found in Chocolate think you'd need eat a truck full lol seeing im not keen on the stuff think i'll give that one a miss lol im sure there's other foods besides that but that's the only one i found ,

Had a couple hours last night well this morning still better than nowt i guess but not enough ,

hope you all have a good day :)

thedragon profile image
thedragon in reply to

Avocados,bananas and almonds are supposed to be helpful.....

in reply to thedragon

won't even have Bananas in the house , have you tried and tested ?

thedragon profile image
thedragon in reply to

I am trying to test it sort of...but I keep forgetting ha ha I guess you really don't like bananas!!!!!

in reply to thedragon

with a passion lol can't even look at em ...

what you like eh! lol you'll have give it a try and let others know if it works great if it does but defo............not for me lol

good luck.. :)

3.51am went to bed at 2am totally shattered must had gone off to sleep only to be woken by both legs and arms trying to escape my body gggrrr sending the normal like electric shock zipping up and down wonder if any one on here would understand what i mean when i say if you close your eyes real tight and you get that weird sound in your ears only this time when your muscles go into spasm get the same weird sound hmmmm if that makes sense lol if not just ignore me lol sounds batty i know but can't think of a way to describe it,

Last time i went dr's he said exercise lol wonder how many miles i walk a day don't think i sit down for more than 5 mins without having to get up ,

think i should had named this blog my moaning page lol maybe everyone should have one ... least we all know what we're on about ,

hope everyone has a grand weekend :)

sal :)

Cobourg profile image

Hi Sal, no sorry I don;t. I just get a thumping headache, and thats not through lack of sleep. It's 6.45am now and I'm up. The thought of another day of that heat and the legs or the arms going and then up and down off the chairs, sofa, wall anything else you can sit on.

Up and down we go just moving, maybe we should call ourselves the "Movers"


LMAO Morning Margaret :) maybe we should

i've got loads to do today keep me on my feet 3hrs cutting grass for a start then doing house work won't get much chance to sit down anyway lol

looks like going to be a beautiful day again hope you manage to enjoy it

sal :)

Bad night again.................the last few nights little or no sleep bad enough at night but today ggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr can't sit down for 5mins i'm tired...........nooooooooooo im shattered ... would say another word but won't lol wonder first time for me my walking is way off line even standing still then blinking legs won't stop fighting me having an inner battle with myself neeeeeeed sleep...

jeeeeeeeeeez i need that moan .. not that it did anything but helps a bit i think... lol

sal....Lincolnshire UK

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