Hi do you remember recently about Emmerdale bringing up the subject of gambling and sexulised behaviour as side effects ? I did a survey can't remember where it was from but I've had a BBC reporter wanting to talk to me about the side effects I had . Their doing a piece on it but your picture has to go with it . I do t mind talking about it just not sure I want everyone to know it's me . Has anyone else heard from them please
Side effects of dopamine agonists - Restless Legs Syn...
Side effects of dopamine agonists

See this recent thread about a BBC reporter and a prospective piece, including Kaarina's link to a post on RLS-Uk's Facebook page:
This came up very recently. I think Jools may have information on what the scenario is!
I can saw from experience, my libido went through the roof. My poor wife. Of course when I augmented and stopped taking the DA drugs. My libido went missing and I am still looking for it. That was several years ago.
Yes- they have contacted RLS-UK about the increasing number of patients affected by ICD.The August survey on the website shows that around 11% of patients on dopamine agonists show signs of ICD.
And if you don't want a photo taken or them to use your name- simply ask for anonymity.

In Noel's (BBC) posting on FB he said: This would be for an off-the-record (anonymous, no quotes) chat on the phone. We're looking to reflect the scale of the problem and range of side effects. So presumably anonymous, no quotes chat on the phone would not include a photo.
Ah that's not what he said ti me in phone though . He wanted to come to my house as he was in the area ! And I said I wasn't keen and he disnt say about anonymity but I will make it clear when he rings again
That is being a little cheeky then. Conveniently in the area too! That is reporters for you! Only do what you feel comfortable with, for sure!
My thoughts exactly they think ur a bit daft I kept telling him I was sleeping as been on nights and had to go out later but he kept tryin to come today and he said it would take an hour or two !! I don't mind helping but I'm not being pushed into somethin I don't feel comfortable with . He said others didn't want to do it because they didn't want to be named . I don't see the need for that . I will see if he rings again tomorrow ?