I’m a 36f from the us and I just started taking crestor 2 days ago ( I was just diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolemia so unfortunately even tho I am changing my diet and exercising more it will probably only take my ldl down a little bit vs what a statin can do, I was told it can reduce it as much as 50 percent). I have found myself struggling to sleep when my rls felt at least somewhat manageable with the horizant I’m prescribed. Now idk what to think, maybe it’s too soon to connect my 2 worst nights in a long time to the new med. I just know I’m suffering and it’s in my arms now too. I just want to sleep. I’ve contemplated doubling my dose of the horizant to see if it might help but it makes me feel quite high and I hate it. I’ve always been the lucky person to have all the FUN side effects when it comes to any med. I just seem to be quite sensitive to drugs. I was so relieved when I read in this forum that others have had similar experiences. Is it too soon to talk to my doctor or should I give it a bit more time?
Barely slept since starting crestor - Restless Legs Syn...
Barely slept since starting crestor

Read this thread about statins.
Most make RLS worse. But there are alternatives.
All statins make RLS worse. Nexlizet (Nustendi (UK) is a cholesterol lowering drug that is not a statin, but I don’t know if it exacerbates RLS symptoms. Ezetimibe (Zetia) - reduces cholesterol although It doesn't reduce cholesterol as fast as the statins, but according to Chris Columbus it didn't trigger his RLS, however don't take it if you have diabetes and then there is Triglide which seems safe. You might want to discuss these with your doctor. A more difficult way to reduce cholesterol is to go vegan. My husband lowered his cholesterol from 221 to 131 this way.
Thank you so much for your suggestions, I’ll definitely bring this up to my doctor as soon as I can. I was so confused cuz when I initially looked up the side effects, rls was said to not be a known side effect. I’m so glad I found this forum because now I don’t feel crazy for drawing the conclusion that it is most likely the statin causing me trouble. Ive had issues with unheard of side effects for other drugs in the past and it’s always unnerving when a doctor googles stuff in front of you yet they discourage you from doing your own research. Again, thank you for your support.
Statins are problematic for many people. Another drug to consider is Repatha (expensive, but it is covered by insurance). Use Youtube and watch some videos about cholesterol management. the better metric is probably TG/HDL (triglycerides over HDL ratio). It is 5 times more predictive of heart attack risk than LDL.