Is it that when you begin having RLS symptoms they put you on a drug and this drug doesn't cure the problem so much as it masks the problem. If that's the case it appears that the Restless leg would have progressively gotten worse anyway but now the drug is no longer enough to hide the problem so you just increase the meds until they are no longer effective?
Progression of RLS (inquiry) - Restless Legs Syn...
Progression of RLS (inquiry)

RLS does tend to get worse for most people overtime but it’s not a particularly quick process as far as I know. My symptoms have been stable for several years now. Therefore, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to expect to need to increase medication at some stage.
However, if you are referring to dopamine, agonists and the problem of augmentation then that is different. For many people, dopamine agonists will become ineffective relatively quickly due to your body adapting and you will need to get raise the dosage to get the same effect. However in augmentation, while the night time symptoms may remain controlled by the higher dosage, RLS starts to appear at other times of the day and other parts of the body. This is different from simple progression with age and it can be demonstrated that the effect is due to the drug because in most cases withdrawal were from dopamine agonists reduces the additional symptoms.
Most studies say RLS is progressive. However, I've had it for 34 years and at present have zero symptoms EVER.When I was taking dopamine agonists (Ropinirole) my RLS was getting worse and worse. But that was the drug making it worse.
I sometimes forget I have RLS.
So, yes the disease can slowly worsen over the years. But there have been reports of spontaneous remission.
Unfortunately there is no cure for RLS, only ways including drugs to control the symptoms.
As Frank Slade said to Charlie Simms in Scent of A Woman -"There's more to this ain't there?"
I keep falling back on two RLS scenarios - my own, severe RLS for many months eventually "cured" with iron supplements. Growing pains as a child, RLS didn't surface 'till aged late 60's. Why? After assuaging the severe RLS, I haven't taken iron in many years. The second one is the prevalence of RLS in pregnancy, again an iron deficiency reaction (the growth demands of the fetus rob iron stores from the mother) that usually resolves with the birth of the child.
I am well aware of many, many RLS sufferers with adequate iron stores and many pregnancies that do not result in RLS.
So, there is more at play here - further research is needed.
RLS is a nervous ( Neuropathic) response to imbalances in the corpus ( physical body)
This presents as all the physical symptoms common to us all.
Masking the symptoms with medications is one strategy.
Avoiding triggering substances, is another strategy.
For most of us ,- our lives become one serious mission to find whatever gives us relief, from the great practical joke that was conferred on us at conception.
The lucky ones find it.😎🥰