After watching and helping a friend navigate a horrific period in his life (2020 -2023 worsening of RLS /PLMD and ultimately a traumatic period of Augmentation ). Three years of escalating misery and now he is completely weaned off dopamine agonists but is left with anxiety, depression and no longer enjoys the things in life he once did; no longer wants to socialize or even leave his home. His sleep physician says his case of augmentation was the worse he’s ever seen. My friend wants to seek legal advice because he doesn’t feel he was properly warned/educated about the use of pramipexole and ropinirole. He wants to bring a lawsuit against the manufacturers. How should I advise him?
Need Legal Advice: After watching and... - Restless Legs Syn...
Need Legal Advice

I'm sure there are medical malpractice lawyers who act pro bono/// no foal , no fee legal practices out in your country who will tell you quickly enough how to proceed.
Against your PCP or the pharma ?
Did your PCP adequately warn of all consequences.
And so on.
Well worth a try.
Please let us know how you get on!😎
He can certainly think about legal action BUT he can't sue drug manufacturers as Augmentation has been clearly stated in all med leaflets for decades.He might have a case against the doctors that prescribed the drugs IF they failed to warn him about augmentation.
As this is a UK website, I cannot comment on US negligence law. Here in the UK, two top firms are considering whether an action against medical doctors is possible. However, the 'damages' would be difficult to assess. So, at present, based on UK medical guidance- it would be very difficult to bring a successful legal case. Someone would have to prove the doctor KNEW that augmentation was a very high possibility and that the doctor failed to warn and monitor.
As research studies are still so outdated, the necessary legal proof would be difficult to obtain.
As more studies and more evidence appears, there will probably be a case.
Has your friend filed an FDA report about augmentation?
We all MUST file reports or there is no evidence of augmentation.
I wish your friend luck and Justice.