Hi all. Thank you for all the useful help and support you give.
I’ve been on Pregabalin for several years now. Works at 300mgs BD. Attempted to reduce without success. Pain clinic recommended Amitriptyline recently for Osteoarthritis pain and stopped it after 2 days (as advised by group but also because my RLS went into overdrive).
My question is, how effective is Gabapentin compared to Pregabalin? I’ve struggled with my weight for years so never attested that Pregabalin added to weight gain, but I’m now wondering if it contributes to inability (even to a small degree) to losing weight?
I’m meeting with my neurologist soon and not sure whether to ask him to switch. Also going to ask if there is an amitriptyline alternative that helps control neuropathic pain without triggering my RLS.
As always, I’d very much appreciate the wise wisdom of this group. Many thanks. Xx