Hi everyone. After a successful trip to see Dr Chris Murphy and my GP agreeing to let me try buprenorphine patches I have a question. My RLS has reduced a lot (so sleep is better) but I am now experiencing pain in my legs (something I didn’t have before). The pain started the day I started the patch and has been on and off every day since (a week so far). Has anyone else experienced this?
Buprenorphine side effects? - Restless Legs Syn...
Buprenorphine side effects?

As you found out it is a possible side effect, It may go away or at least lessen after a few weeks. Applying topical creams or gels that contain pain-relieving ingredients can also help alleviate leg pain as can taking a NSAID like acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
Thanks Sue. I searched to see if it was a side effect but couldn’t find any info. I have always said I’d rather have pain than RLS! Looks like my wish has been granted 😂 Moving around helps (how ironic) as does using a TENS machine. I’ll keep going with the patches and hopefully see an improvement over time.
Sorry to hear this.I use sub lingual pills and don't experience this.
Have you stopped any of your other meds suddenly? It might be withdrawal from that.
Hopefully it will settle as you get used to Buprenorphine.
Hi Jools. I am weaning off pregabalin (as it did not work) but have been doing this slowly over several weeks, long before starting the patch. I am hoping it will settle down eventually (fingers crossed).
Or you could ask to switch to the pills. Many report that Buprenorphine patch doesn't last the full 7 days. If it's running out at day 4/5 that could possibly cause the pain symptoms.The patch gives an even dose over 24 hours whereas the pill releases most of the active ingredient in the first 11 hours. So it works most effectively over the nighttime when RLS is at its worst.
after 5 years on the Norspan patch, I have had no leg pain
I have something like this from using medical cannabis, it could be due to me combining it with Buprenorphine. Some side effects come about when you combine meds. I don’t think I have it from Buprenorphine alone.
Hi I actually went from the pills to the patch but a 10mcg patch because I had pain in my outer left thigh . I'd had it fir ages but got worse after a knee replacement on that leg. They helped for a while but eventually I became allergic to the glue and had red itchy patches under the patch . Also having a shower or if u swim its difficult to keep patch dry then it starts comin off . So I weaned myself off it and back to tablets which I fould surprisingly easy thank goodness. Still have dull pain in leg though . Better than Rls though
Hello Alifromthegalley. I am thrilled that your GP has agreed to let you try Buprenorphine after your consultation with Doctor Christopher Murphy, your GP is obviously more enlightened than most I read about. Mine won’t hear any arguments in favour of prescribing Buprenorphine. I don’t believe I’ve read anything about aching limbs when taking Buprenorphine. I don’t really suffer any side effects from the 10mg 7 day patches apart from mild sweats at night and irritation of the skin. I would see how it goes as it’s early days in your treatment but if you are concerned about it and it’s giving you real trouble then I’d talk to Doctor Murphy about it.
Best wishes HipHop1972
Thanks, I am going to give it another few days and see how it goes (I change my patch tonight). I will get in touch with Dr Chris Murphy if no improvement and see what else I can do. I think the tablet version is red listed so might have to be something else.
Hello Alifromthegalley, good idea to give a few more days to see how things pan out. I’m hoping that Doctor Christopher Murphy will change my 10mg 7day patches to tablets as my body doesn’t always absorb the patch medication and I get RLS again and have to take the patch off and put a new one on, those that work no longer last the 7 days. They were fantastic when I first started using them.
If a consultant prescribes Buprenorphine in tablet form you should be able to get it with the Specialist prescription. Joolsg takes buprenorphine in tablet form and is completely free from RLS.
We have to do what we have to do. Regards HipHop1972