I am down from 10 mg ropinorole to 2 mg now. It’s true that as you get to the end it gets worse. I’ve been on gabapentin 300 mg daily for 2 months now. I just added another 300 mg a week ago because it wasn’t working (per my Dr.) I’m wondering what would happen if I went off the ropinorole now and used Tramadol for the DAWS symptoms? I am feeling irritable and depressed now and want this to be over but it’s worse than ever now.
Gabapentin and Tramadol: I am down from... - Restless Legs Syn...
Gabapentin and Tramadol

I don't recommend it. You will suffer tremendously and it will be a lot longer before your symptoms subside. Have patience and hang in there. You have done a great job getting down as much as you have.
Gabapentin will not help the withdrawals. Only after you have completely got off the Rop, will it start to come into play.
Tramadol should help cover symptoms, but it is a weak opioid-- but probably the only one you will get ,given the current dread of flooding the world with opioid addicts. As if!!!☠️☠️☠️
As Sue says--- stick with what you're doing.
Check out Matt Finch site for help on coping with withdrawal symptoms.
(Fit Recovery). Ah dear-- he doesn't seem to have a help line site any more. I got a great help from him when I was coming off Fentanyl.
Good luck.
Having suffered severe RLS for most of my life., I am 59, I was given Tramadol along with Gabapentin by my Neurologist, when coming off Pramipexol. I've been on both for well over a year. I would say it has changed my life. I've slept well, I've not had any RLS since. BUT, I worry. I am on a relative low dose of both.
I take 1 x 300g Gabapentin and 1 x 50mg Tramadol at 2pm then at 6pm. Then
Double dose at 10pm.
I tried reducing the tramadol by just 1 tablet for a couple days and it wasn't good.
I dread the day if it comes that it causes any problems.
Gabapentin on its own just caused me to have a fuzzy head and did nothing for my legs. Perhaps I didn't take enough or too much but for now, taking Tramadol with Gabapentin works for me so I'll take that...for now. All the best.
Hello I have been on gabbpentin 1500 mg and 2 x 50 tramadol daily for 10 years absolute brilliant for rls life saver for me, gp has allowed me to up or down dose of gabbapentin, no side affects, please try and stay on this medication
Hi Jacqui, Just wondering if the gabapentin makes you tired all the time. I started taking it 600 mg. I didn't like the side effects. It seemed to help with my neuropathy and rls. Dr. lowered it to 100 mg now to see if the would help with the tiredness. Even though it was lowered to 100 mg I am still tired. Every time I sit down to watch tv I fall asleep. I am taking 12 mg methodone and 100 mg gabapentin. The gabapentin was given to me for my neuropathy. It has definitely helped with neuropathy.
You don't need the gabapentin at 2 pm because one only has RLS at night. Doctors will prescribe it that way because it used to be only prescribed for neuropathy. And gabapentin doses need to be 2 hours apart for maximum effect so I suggest you add your 2 pm dose to your 6 pm dose and take them at 8 pm.
Mmmmm? I work a job that is very demanding...I am on my feet rushing about.. I get home at 2pm and only have 2 hours to grab a bite to eat, shower, then out the door to a teaching job until 8 pm. I get RLS after I've eaten and it's hell when trying to teach. My legs are so bad I can't think. So, taking gabapentin at 2 pm is the only way I can stop it.
If you can suggest any other way I'd be happy to give it a try.
My experience is don't touch tramadol. You're likely to augment on that too. I've been on it for RLS and it significantly made me worse. If you can get your hands on codiene that may be a better option. But I understand that's not always possible.
Gosh I'm sorry. I feel your pain. Many of us have been through this.
Tramadol should help more than anything except other low-dose opioids.
Forget dopamine agonists; they are no longer recommended by leading RLS docs, especially those at Mayo. Please get off them with a doc's help ASAP. IRON + OPIOIDS!
Gaba may or may not help, but usually only in doses above 900 mg/day.
Magnesium has helped me tremendously, but it needs to be kept in your system at all times . Type of Mg doesn't matter, as long as each dose has about 350 mg Mg. Mg citrate may have a laxative effect, so a caution there.
Above all, make sure your iron storage levels are HIGH. Some (like me) need my irons to be super high (ferritin well above 300). Hope this helps. Blessings and good luck to all.