My siblings and I all have restless legs to varying degrees. I live in Northwestern Ontario, Canada and through this wonderful forum, learned about Buprenorph. My doctor prescribed Suboxone for me (Buprenorph/Naloxone) and it is working well. One of my younger brothers lives in Totnes, Devon UK and his GP told him he can’t prescribe Buprenorph for restless legs. Maybe there is a list somewhere on the forum, with the counties in the UK where Buprenorph is not red-listed but I could not find it. We would very much appreciate any doctor recommendations and areas in the UK where it can legally be prescribed. Thank you!
Counties in UK where Buprenorph is no... - Restless Legs Syn...
Counties in UK where Buprenorph is not red-listed

I doubt seriously there is such a list
Instead he should check if Buprenorphine is red listed in your prescribing area (ask your GP or local pharmacist). If so, find nearest prescribing area where it isn't and find a surgery that prescribes opioids and ask to register at a GP. NHS rules allow you to register with any surgery as long as they don't have their own restrictions on who can join and they agree to take you. He will then need to find a neurologist who will prescribe it.
I live in Plymouth which is not far away from Totnes, my doctor is able to prescribe Targinact which is an opiod and licensed for rls in the UK. It is very effective. The doctor should comply.
I live next door in Newton Abbot where my GP at the Albany Surgery can prescribe Buprenorphine, but only under a Specialists guidance
Can you give me his/her name so I can add it to my list since there are so few doctors who will prescribe an opioid even with a specialists guidance..
My understanding is that any GP in the Albany practice (and practice within the local health authority) can prescribe it, but as said with Specialists guidance. I think they operate under the local area regulations as mentioned by BobFJ. I guess it's not to say GPs will do so in all cases as circumstances vary.
Hello, if you Google ‘Devon prescribing formulary’ you can find the list of drugs prescribed by the NHS in primary and secondary care, and specialist initiated with their ‘traffic light classification’ . (You can search the different Counties depending where someone lives). Hope this helps
my GP in Cheshire said he can prescribe it if I want to try it
Can you give me his/her name so I can add it to my list since there are so few doctors who will prescribe an opioid.
Dr Marquis at Wrenbury surgery in Wrenbury. She has worked alongside me for many years through roprinole, rotigatine patches, and Prami - so has a good understanding of RLS. She has offered me morphine, tramadol, codeine over the years and supported the recommendations from my neurologist Chris Murphy. Very open approach.
Hi - I live in Wiltshire and, when I asked for an opiod to help ween me off Mirapexin, she prescribed a slow release Morphone Sulphate tablet. It worked really well. I am now taking 25 mg using the brand names MST Continus (5 mg) and Zomorph (10 mg). I took my last Mirapexin on July 7th (afer 22 years of dependance) and have reduced my pregabalin dose from 575 mg to 350 mg. I now get good nights sleep with only minor symptoms. It has been a life changer for me!
Can you give me his/her name so I can add it to my list since there are so few doctors who will prescribe an opioid.
Sorry Sue, I won't do that for two reasons. First, in the UK you must be registered with a GP practice before you can see a GP that works within that practice. And that practice must be local. You cannot (easily) chop and change unless you move house to a different area. Even then it is often difficult to see one particular doctor. Therefore, having her name would not benefit others as they are not at all likely to get to see her. Secondly, I suspect she is being somewhat pragmatic with the 'rules' and so I don't want her name to become well known as a doctor who (easily) prescribes opioids as this may work against me if her NHS management find fault in her actions (I know that might sound selfish of me). All that said, I do undestand what you are trying to do and I applaud you for it (along with all the other amazing support you give to so many people on this forum). Would it therefore help if you put my name as a contact for somone living in the South of England who wants advice on how to 'encourage' their GP to prescribe opiods? I would be happy to have a private conversation with such a person and if, by chance, they live in or near my home town, I will give them my Doctors name. Is that OK?
Thank you so much everyone! I have forwarded all of your replies to my brother in Totnes. He will now have an idea of how to proceed with finding relief. I have encouraged him to join the HealthUnlocked forum for RLS. When he sees how helpful everyone is, I am sure he will!