I am now off Trazodone, added Lithium and Seroquel and reduced Buspirone in half. I am no longer taking Ropinirole. I am also taking Lamotrigine. RLS symptoms are nearly gone. Does Trazodone cause RLS? And do my new meds help to reduce RLS symptoms? It’s like a miracle. I am bipolar2.
Change in Rx and RLS is drastically r... - Restless Legs Syn...
Change in Rx and RLS is drastically reduced

That's great.
Lamotrigine may help RLS.
If anything Seroquel makes RLS worse for about 30% of people. Although there is one recorded case of it helping someone.
Trazodone should not make RLS worse although a couple people on this forum said it did for them.
Well done! I have no experience of those meds.
Everyone is different in their reaction to medication. I found trazodone slightly eased RL S when I first started taking tablets. I was prescribed lithium many years ago and if I remember one started on low dose and had blood test after four weeks. I had blood test but a week or so after that I started to suffer with creepy crawly legs that I had to move, this was every evening from about 6pm . I had had the odd incidence of restless legs since my late twenties but had never suffered so badly before or had RL S every night. I know I saw the psychiatrist 8 weeks after being prescribed lithium and I had stopped taking it. I smile now as he stated I should have informed him about RL S and he would have prescribed something to stop RL S , bet you it would have been a dopamine agonist. I think the RL S symptoms ceased immediately after I stopped taking lithium and I returned to having the odd episode perhaps once or twice a year. Hope you have a better result with lithium and that it helps with your bipolar, we always hope the new meds will be the answer to our problems.
I am so glad to hear that that is working for you and it will stay that way💜.