I am possibly going to be taking Avuelity for MDD . I was doing some research on it because of the RLS. There was one article of a woman with RLS who was given Dextromethirphan for a cough and got significant reduction in her symptoms, to the point she stopped Gaba and kept going with the dextromethorphan. Due to cost Dextro was stopped and she was started on Tramadol.
De tromethirphan is a MDNA antagonist so inhibits the glutamate system, so it makes some sense. It has to be paired with Buproprion specifically to keep the Dextrose from metabolizing so quickly. Many Dr’s will give the lowest dose Buproprion 150mg and have the patient buyDextromethirphan over the counter which is very inexpensive. Avuelity is 1200/ month!
Anybody out there tried this?