My past visit to a Neurologist I was offered Pramipexole, I declined (Due to information from this site as well as Mayo advice) and the DR. said if I don't take her advise she would no longer see me. So that ended that relationship.
Scheduled an appointment with another Neurologist, he asked why I declined the Pramipexole. I told him what I knew from latest information on the drug. He prescribed Rotigotine 1mg patch. I said I had concerns of augmentation. He said the augmentation goes away, you want it or not up to you. I asked about drugs like Dipyridamole and low dose Buprenorohine. That wasn't going to happen. I showed him the Mayo information and he said see right here, it's their second choice of medication. So it's Rotigotine or nothing. Currently on 300mg pregabalin, asked if I could combine Gabapentine and Pregabalin and that was a firm no.
So I am 74, thinking I should try the patch, what say you??