Those of you that have read my posts know that I'm experiencing an extremely difficult dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrom (DAWS). Now I'm at 60% of my initial 2mg dose of Neupro, i.e 1.2mg. I also take 300mg of pregabaline, 100mg of tradonal extended release, 0.5mg of clonazepan, and 0.125mg of alprazolam. My ferritine level is still high (over 300).
Each time I reduce my dose of Neupro, my condition worsens over 7-10 days to culminate into pure medieval torture -what I call "the peak". It can last about a week before cooling down. When I'm at the peak, I wake up around 4 AM with a very painful RLS originating from the lower back and extending to the legs, and sometimes to the upper back. This is a kind of electric current that makes my legs shiver, and sometimes my whole body. It can last all day long. This RLS is so painful that I can cry and scream a large fraction of the day. I can barely walk because my lower back and legs hurt so much. My only respiste is at night, when I take my tradonal and clonazepan. Then I sleep like a baby for a 5-6 hours. At peak, on top of the RLS, I also have extreme anxiety and depression. Basically, I'm not myself anymore. I'm delirious, I speak and whine alone, I tell my wife that she should quit me, I talk about my upcoming death, about the fact that this withdrawal is going to kill me, and that everyone will be better without me, and all silly stuffs like this. I also thought several times about suicide, but, fortunately, I never planified it seriously.
Out of the peak, I become myself again: determined, optimistic, quiet, and active. My RLS calms down. I go back to work (I'm a scientist), I play sports, I have good times with my wife and my son. I'm not as energetic and productive as I was before withdrawal, but I'm getting better and better. Then comes the day of my dose reduction, and the cycle starts again and culminate into another awful peak.
My question is: would someone here have some tips to reduce the amplitude of those DAWS peaks? Should I increase my dose of tradonal? Take more clonazepan? More pregabaline? Or do/take something else? My neurologist has never met such a difficult DA withdrawal, and he has no idea how to deal with it.