I've been up the hospital today having scans as I'm in a lot of pain walking, they think I have chipped a bone in my hip, I have been given morphine and naproxen tablets. I asked the Doctor if Naproxen was a safe anti inflammatory to take because of my RLS, he laughed in my face and told me medications did not effect RLS! I was so upset I left, he made me feel so stupid and embarrassed, I will not be seeing this doctor again 😢
Hello, can you help me please - Restless Legs Syn...
Hello, can you help me please

I'm sorry to hear about your chipped bone and the comments from the doctor. It's such a shame that doctors refuse to learn anything about RLS or to read the basics. It's him, not you.And morphine & naproxen are RLS safe but reduce the morphine slowly as reducing opioids can trigger RLS.
Thank you, I also have been given tramadol to take also, not sure if I should take both, he didn't say and didn't want to help me so I just left not knowing what to do.
I don't know why he has given you both morphine And tramadol, with no instructions! I would take only one of them, to see if it controls the chipped bone pain and, as soon as you can, slowly reduce over a week and stop.
Tramadol is often taken to treat RLS, with the caveat that it is the only opioid to cause augmentation. This often happens if you have been on Dopamine Agonists like Ropinirole or Pramipexole. Tramadol shouldn't worsen the RLS, But, if given as temporary pain relief, Tramadol can cause short term worsening as you taper off. Opioid pain killers may all cause worsening RLS for a few weeks as you taper off them. RLS is a major symptom of opioid withdrawal. My sister doesn't have RLS at all but recently broke her femur and was discharged with Oxycontin for pain relief. After 5 weeks she started to taper down & had severe RLS. It lasted 4 weeks. She now understands exactly how horrendous RLS is for us.
So, if Tramadol has been given for a short time, taper off slowly and be aware that increased RLS will settle down around 4 weeks after you stop taking them.
Have a look at Andy Berkowski's excellent website and send a link to the dismissive doctor who treated you. He may look at it and learn the basics of RLS.
It may depend on the form of naproxen you are prescribed.Because nsaids are hard on the stomach ,they are often combined with a prazol or PPI, to protect the stomach lining. For example - Vimovo which is naproxen plus pantaprezol or equivalent.
However,I take Vimovo quite often ,and only get a tingling of RLS. Certainly a worthwhile trade off for the pain relief.
Good luck.
Thank you the box says naproxen 250mg he did want to give me omeprazole but told him I came off those due to them irritating RLS and was not taking gaviscon, he laughed again and aggressively scribbled it out on my prescription
I have no advice to add to that of our experts by experience, but I would strongly advise you to make a written complaint about this behaviour. If we don't pull people up on their patronising and offensive behaviour they will repeat it again and again.
Hi Cobobay, I have no meds advice but also wanted to say no it’s not you. What ignorant, rude and aggressive behaviour from this doctor. Do call it out if you have the energy. I hope the meds go ok and you’re feeling better soon.
Hello Cobobay. So sorry to hear about the bad time you had with your GP, it’s totally unforgivable treatment from someone who is supposed to be caring and supportive of their patients. He is completely out of touch with RLS as so many of the medical professionals are and are unwilling to read the information that’s readily accessible. He also has no right to leave you feeling both upset an foolish. He is the one in the wrong and I would also say in the wrong profession. Perhaps he’s just in it for the money and the sooner he retires the better for the rest of his patient’s sake. I hope your hip gets better quickly. With very best wishes Hiphop1972