Hey ladies! I’m suffering with menopause. What can I take to get some relief that won’t exasperate my RLS. Currently, I take the lowest dose of pramipexole and it’s under control , along with a probiotic, and krill oil. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
RLS and menopause: Hey ladies! I’m... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS and menopause

Unfortunately estrogen which is in HRT medicines makes RLS worse for many. You can always try and see if it does. And I don't know of anything else that will help.
what! This is my first time hearing of this. Do you happen to know if the internal estrogen cream affects RLS as well?
I had RLS before I went on hrt can't say it made any difference one way or the other. In fact one Dr thought the sensations in my legs might be menopause related so put me on hrt
I’ve tried estrogen in patches, creams and pellets. Although I’ve had RLS all my life, the estrogen caused it to become much worse. Really unfortunate.
I’m currently using the cream only right now, but I can’t believe I didn’t put two into together that everything started getting worse once I started HRT
Interesting. So even the iron you take didn’t stop the HRT induced RLS? I thought maybe the oxycodone had down-regulated your receptors? I bet not! Bet if taper off the estrogen your RLS will go back.
Yes on the cream. By the way if you were ever pregnant your RLS was probably worse and the reason was estrogen.
I had to get off HRT, too. RLS was getting much worse, sorry.
Experiences differ markedly. I have been on HRT for quite a few years, and if anything, it benefits my RLS. Especiallyin the early years of menopause symptoms, when I didn't realise some of those were actually RLS, the HRT markedly improved the RLS. Later on, the RLS became too severe to be controlled by the HRT. I now rely on buprenorphine.