I am so pleased doctors are making videos about RLS and augmention
Lengthy however really worth your time. - Restless Legs Syn...
Lengthy however really worth your time.

It is long so I haven't watched it. Does it say anything new?
A comprehensive description of the condition and a description of the current mainstream treatment methods but it does not address the causes or offer any new solutions, but I suppose it's good that someone is giving RLS some attention.
Meantime I've eliminated my RLS by avoiding inflammatory foods like processed carbs and refined seed oils. Maybe they'll wake up some day.
Still zero RLS symptoms? You’re not taking any medicines for RLS?
In three years, my only episodes of rls have been a few hours after I had broken my diet at social buffets where tbere was little option. I have never taken any oral medication for rls, I merely experimented with Voltarol ointment (which contains a strong anti inflammatory medication) when I suspected that inflammation might be the cause. I am taking a few vitamins and minerals wbich support nerve health.
Same here, but not as extreme or for as long - just replacing statins with alternatives, cutting out aspartame and other artificial sweeteners, and cutting back on sugary/carby foods, chocolate, caffeine, while trying not to eat a main meal after early evening - for the last 6 months (although greed and neediness are my occasional problem rather than social buffets!)
We know that this by no means works for everyone, possibly largely not for people who've unfortunately already been on RLS meds, particularly dopamine agonists, but it's always worth a trial.
I've not found caffiene to be a cause if my rls but it does raise my blood pressure. The benefits if statins are vastly overstated while their side effects are under emphasised. Statistically they only prolong life by an average of four days. I've reduced my eating window to around four hours a day recently which is not difficult after switching to a low carb diet.
Hi, again this link doesn't work for me whereas all the others do. Could you please let me have the title so I can search on YouTube. Thanks.
Here is a ChatGPT summary
### Summary
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis Ekbom disease, is a neurologic condition characterized by an urge to move the legs accompanied by discomfort or peculiar sensations. It affects 2-4% of the general population, with women being twice as frequently affected as men. RLS can have a significant impact on sleep quality and daily life.
### Highlights
- 💤 Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a common neurologic condition affecting 2-4% of the population, characterized by an urge to move the legs accompanied by discomfort.
- 💡 RLS can have a significant impact on sleep quality and daily life, leading to difficulty falling asleep, poor sleep, and daytime sleepiness.
- 🩺 Treatment aims to improve quality of life by reducing symptoms, improving sleep, and managing associated medical conditions. Optimizing overall health and considering lifestyle changes can be beneficial.
What a time to be alive.