I have had 2 sleep study’s since diagnosis 10 years ago.
Not just legs but lim and torso movements.
First put on Ropinirole 2mg and slowly upped to 6mg then down to 4mg
Used Ropinirole 4mg combined with gabapentin but made we feel very unwell and didn’t help with the rls.
After another sleep study I’ve been given a cpap machine as well, not sure if this helps at all, but will try anything.
I have finally got the specialist to agree that I can try something else apart from Ropinirole ,so without any help from them I have weaned myself off of it.
I am now on 60mg of codeine phosphate each night, unfortunately that doesn’t seem to work very much at all.
I’m not sure if I should try gabapentin on it’s own or something else.
I’m so tired I can’t think straight most of the time.
I go to sleep quickly most nights but wake up still exhausted after 7-8 hours asleep.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!