Far from being a cause of distress as was the case with the untold misery of a month ago walking the house at night feeling that familiar dread that comes with severe sleep deprivation and feeling like you’re teetering on the edge of an abyss, I now feel a certain sense of euphoria knowing that I will sleep again once back in bed.
For those members going through the hell of Dopamine Augmentation reading this post must understandably feel that I’ve finally lost my wits or else found that silver bullet to rid the world of RLS. Well, I can honestly say that it’s neither, rather that I’ve reached a state of equilibrium. Let me explain, having suffered RLS for in excess of 40 years as my father did before me my condition increased and with that increase so did the dosage of Ropinirole until in the end I was taking 6mg/day. Having been advised by RLS-UK at an annual general meeting that my dosage was excessive and that I should consider coming of Ropinirole which I commenced on the 23rd October 2022,m supported by the wonderful people of Health Unlocked and RLS-UK. I am now down to 1.75mg / day with a further reduction of 0.25mg due within the next week.
The reason I’m sharing this is to give hope to those members who are struggling with the lack of understanding by the medical profession and starting out on the journey to rid themselves of the effects of Ropinirole. It’s by no means an easy journey but nothing that’s worth doing is easy.
I can tell you that although I’m still taking Ropinirole the quality of my life appears to have turned a corner. When I reduced my dosage of Ropinirole to 2mg/day went through a period of really intense RLS so much so that I contacted my Doctor and explained that I was at the end of my tether and got an emergency appointment within 2 hours that day, unheard of in the UK, the upshot is that I’m currently waiting for an appointment to see a neurologist face to face in a city hospital. Since I saw my GP things have changed or my feelings of wellbeing have changed. It took me about 6 weeks to reduce Ropinirole from 2mg to 1.75mg much longer than any other reduction. Yes RLS is still present but manageable.
the only medication I’m currently taking to augment Ropinirole is Codeine max twice a day. RLS will wake me up at any time from 3am and I don’t fight it, get up go down stairs make a hot drink and stand at the table ready the paper, if it’s bad I take a very hot shower focusing on my legs, alternating hot cold hot etc. This usually settles things down and I can go to sleep until it wakes me again after a couple hours at which point I get up tak 2 codeine shower shave and dress. That’s me now for the day and generally stay active and sit down for relatively short periods, but I do understand that mobility can be an issue for some members so remaining vertical may not be an option. As I keep busy RLS only becomes problematic in the afternoons, generally about 2.30 - 4 pm at which time I take 2 more codeine tablets. These usually take me sting out of my RLS until I take my full reduced dose of Ropinirole when within minutes my legs are going into overdrive so usually eat dinner standing up and walking around listening to audiobooks. When it settles down I usually just go to bed as I’m tired, and the routine repeats.
I’m truly amazed at the difference it’s made to not just my life but to that of my Wife reducing Ropinirole has made and i will continue to reduce my dosage until I’m completely free of it. I feel very blessed that so far this routine works for me. It may help others but we are all different and nothing is a one fits all.
I have posted this in all humility, not saying, aren’t I doing well, yes I’m in a much better place than I have been for years, but to give encouragement that we can get through this with perseverance, trial and error but most of all by supporting each other through forums such as this and RLS-UK and the dedicated members who do so much to support us and fight our corner. I don’t think we will ever know the length that they go to.
It’s now 05.49 am UK time and the birds are singing. So as the old musical said, To sleep perchance to dream. I was a member of the cast in an amateur capacity of the musical (Perchance to Dream) in a professional theatre. A lifetime ago 😢