Hi fellow sufferers, can I ask please if anyone else in the UK is finding it impossible to get Pramipexole 0.18mg? I didn’t have a problem until late January.
My local pharmacy just tell me they cannot get it.
The pharmacy attached to my GP surgery offered to prescribe Ropinerole instead and I accepted but I don’t want to change to that. Ropinerole was the first drug I tried donkeys years ago and had little effect. Also my current prescription for Pramipexole is 3 tabs a day/night and they’ve only prescribed the lowest dose of Ropinerole which to be honest isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
Currently I was taking 2 x Pramipexole plus 2 x 100mg prolonged release Tramadol per night for 5 nights and 2 nights per week taking 3 x Pramipexole only which was working and I was hoping to reduce pramipexole further.
I’ve been lucky that after going through the car, handbags and pockets I have found enough to keep me going and today I will try 3 x Tramadol without Pramipexole and cross my fingers it at least keeps the RLS bearable.
Sorry for such a long post and that I only ever seem to post when I want some information. 😔