I do not know if I actually have restless legs syn drome, but for years I have had involuntary leg movements every day, all day. I have jerking and muscle tension that is very uncomfortable and exhausting. I am not certain if it is the side effects of restoril, I take to sleep, or temazapam, that was prescribed for CPTSD. Perhaps it is my body's reaction to anxiety or from the neuroIogical damage I suffered from psychological abuse for over 40 years. I desire to be drug free and I am seeing videos on you tube and reading articles, by credible physicians and neuroscientist and others, that these diets are reversing many diseases, as well as skin problems and mental illness. I am not there yet, as far as being totally faithful to the carnivore diet, but have noticed on the days I adhere closely to it, I am calmer and my leg movements and body tension are reduced. I also slept for the first night, in several years, without my medications. I would love to hear from anyone else who has tried or is trying this approach.
Carnivore diet and ketogenic diet is ... - Restless Legs Syn...
Carnivore diet and ketogenic diet is reportedly reversing many conditions. Can we heal our bodies with our diets.

carnivore certainly cut out a multitude of symptoms .cured leaky gut or IBS plus bone density and cognitive function. I could not eat pork or beef, but most other meats no problem
The Carnivore diet is all over the SIBO groups I see on Facebook. Since SIBO has been linked to RLS - it could be worth a try. The chief connection is probably SIBO causing an inability to absorb iron and other nutrients.
If you have periodic involuntary movements of your legs, you have PLMD and if you have a strange feeling or pain that makes you to move your legs to get some relief especially at night, or when you tired, you have RLS. RLS and PLMD are often goes hand by hand. When I try do describe both diseases to someone, I tell them PLMD is like hiccups (involuntary, you cannot control), while RLS is like someone is tickling you and that makes you escape from the bad feeling you are experiencing (voluntary, you have to do someting to get relief)I read a lot on RLS, diets and microbiome and now I’m 99% sure if RLS is related to our disbalance of our microbiome. The disbalance could be SIBO, dysbiosis etc. In case it’s SIBO, carnivore diet might help, but unfortunately not all bacteria can die off with carnivore (and other diets), especially some pathogens could survive. However I have a theory that maybe the lack of some benefical bacteria might be related to RLS, especially gut bacteria that can produce neurotransmitters and also can affect the gut-brain axis. These are those typical lacto and bifidobacteria you can found in most probiotics, however once you kill them for example using antibiotics or long term diet without enough prebiotic and fiber like carnivore diet, it’s pretty hard to repopulate them. I done a microbiome test few months ago and it was a bad surprise for me that I nearly lack of all these good bacteria even though I’ve taken a lot of probiotics in the past, even few weeks before the test. It’s worth to mention that I got plenty of antibiotic treatments when I was a kid and I have RLS since my childhood, so my microbiome might miss these benefical bacteria since decades.
This is precisely why I'm waiting for faecal microbiota transplants to become available in my country. At present they're only available for a very limited number of conditions eg. C difficile infections.

If you think FMT would help, you can even try DIY FMT, you can find even youtube videos on this topic. IMHO the hardest part is to find a suitable donor.
I didn't realise it could be done DIY.
Although i probably wouldn't be game given that disease screening is such an important part of the process.

If all my tries failed to get my microbiome healthy again in order to get rid of RLS, I might try DIY FMT, but for sure I’d check the possible donor’s health condition and also do a microbiome test of the donor’s stool.
Thanks for your reply. I am not savy enough to understand all the initials. Did you speak of periodic leg movement disorder? I thought that only occurred during sleep. I experience these movements as well as an entire body tension thing that can best be described as mini mild seizures. I have been diagnosed with CPTSD and do not yet know if this is my body's reaction to the continuing trauma for so many years. I will research the other things you mentioned. I do eat a lot of yogurt and have not had antibiotics in years except for the treatment of pneumonia this past January.
BTW I have no symptoms of SIBO.
You could have SIBO even if you do not have the typical signs, like frequent diarrhea or flatulance, constipation, bloating etc.
So how do we know if we have it? I did a candida cleanse prescribed by my naturopathic MD a year ago. She has cleared me of leaky gut if this is what you are speaking of.
I have suffered RLS my whole life so I have been trying different things for years. Keto diet works the best for me. I think it is the fact that all sugar is eliminated. I also use medical marijuana at night for sleeping. I am in Florida so it is legal here. My RLS is not 100 gone but it is the best it has ever been and at least I can get a good night sleep. Also, I refuse to use any prescription medication as I feel it is all very toxic.