The CDC has released new guidelines on prescribing opioids which are much less stringent and emphasize returning the focus to the caregiver and patient deciding on the best course of treatment, This should help make it more likely your doctor will be willing to prescribe opioids when needed.
New CDC Guidelines on Opioids - Restless Legs Syn...
New CDC Guidelines on Opioids

Thanks for the info Sue
A good development. Thanks Sue.
Thanks Sue. Excellent news for those on opioids for RLS.
fabulous news! Thank you for sharing
thanks for sharing Sue. Let’s hope the United Kingdom also take this on board 😊
Our doctors in the UK seem to be quite slow to take on new quidance that benefit the patients. They are very overworked and in short supply, so it's not surprising sadly.
Unfortunately I find no evidence that the CDC included guidance on the use of opioids for RLS/PLM. This is despite an effort by the RLS foundation that provided comments encouraging this topic be included. I admit I haven't read the entire guidance but I did do a search and found no mention. If anyone has found a mention of RLS in the new guidance, please let us know.