I need some one who is taking CBD for insomnia with success to share the brand of CBD he is taking with me. From my past posts you may be familiar with my oxycodone-induced insomnia. The Hempland USA Cannabitol has lost effect after 7-8 months of daily dosage of 83.4 mg every night. I am now again unable to get even 5 hours sleep which has totally deprived of the quality of my life. From the previous posts, I somehow remembered someone who is taking another brand of CBD oil with success. I'd appreciate very much if you can share with me your success stories with any supplements or prescriptions. Somehow Ambien, Klonopin, and Xanax don't help with my insomnia. This is the only place which comes to rescue with difficulties. Thanks to all of you.
insomnia: I need some one who is taking... - Restless Legs Syn...

halperinchen I have been trying different brands and types of delivery for about 5 years. My daughter (who has Crohn/s disease and a lot of pain and insomnia introduced me to the Wyld brain. No artificial anything! Uses coconut oil, not veggie oils, and no artificial flavors or colorings. I use Wyld Elderberry Gummies CBD plus CBN. The CBN combo is more effective for my insomnia. It contains 25 mg CBD and 5 mg CBN (THC free) . It is also whole plant. I hope it helps you.
I use a product called "Sleep" from Lazarus Naturals. But I also use many other things, and rotate through them: Delta-8 or Delta-9 THC, L-theanine, trazodone, gabapentin, chamomile tea, blue lotus flower tea, wild lettuce, magnolia bark, lemon balm, valerian, passion flower, ashwagandha.
Thanks to Fatniss. I share some of the same products as you but they only scratch the surface without too much effects on me. I have to take 350 mg of pregabalin once a while to catch up with some of my sleep. So, I am actually at my wits' end now, I will purchase the wild elderberry gummies as suggested by agapepilgrim to see if it can help me. Thanks for your reply.
I've had success with low doses of seroquel or olanzapine. In theory they will make your RLS worse but you may find your opiod is enough to offset any increase yet still get the sleep benefit of the antipsychotic.
Hi, ziggypiggy, thanks for your reply. Are you taking any opioid for your RLS and can it offset the effects of the antipsychotic?
yes. Oxycontin 15mg twive daily.
Thanks, I am taking 10 to 12.5 mg oxycodone. I'll get my GP to order it for me. I am willing to give it a try. Not sleeping is not better than the RLS symptoms.
I would try seroquel first it has a shorter half life. You will know rather quickly if it works. And what the effects on your RLS are. It doesn't sound like you are on extended release oxy. Does it give you the coverage you need?
They are through my psychiatrist. They are off label but are a common therapy for severe sleep issues. There has been weight gain. And yes it can make RLS worse.I've tried every on and off label med for sleep for the last thirty years. There is no magic bullet. Some work for a bit then stop. RLS prevents me from trying others beyond minimal dosage so it's hard to get full benefits from . It's a nonstop merry go round of looking for relief.
Not so great. The anxiety induced insomnia causes such a sleep deficit that it makes it difficult to to apply coping skills effectively to my depression and distorted thoughts.
I stopped the seroquel due to weight gain. Otherwise I would probably still be on it. Its unfortunate that we have to keep increasing our opiod dosages as things get worse but it comes with the territory. I'm assuming I'm going to be on opiods for life. But I cant guarantee that I will always have a doctor in the future that will prescribe it. So there is always the underlying anxiety of that future issue. Sorry to hear about your nausea related sleep issues. Sounds awful.
I tried CBD oil and it was mildly calming - my doctor then gave me CBD oil 30% THC 70% CBD and it worked a lot better. Still if found it not enough to treat a bad case of RLS some nights. She then suggested I try vaping the cannabis bud and I have found this extremely successful. The variety is especially bred for calming the body and isn't very psychoactive but it makes my body feel calm like a warm bath would - and the best part is that it is instant. I only vape when I need it - therefore when I first go to bed I am find - it is only about 2 am that I have problems. Definitely changed my life for the better and the other benefit is it helps me sleep.
hi, thanks Goldy for your reply. Would you please tell me what brand of CBD oil 30% THC 70% CBD is? Does the THC content won't give you any heart palpitation?
There are lots of good oils out there - the ones prescribed by your doctor have good standard ingredients regardless of brand but the one I was prescribed was Althea - Jasper. Re heart palpitations - it is controversial with some studies suggesting it doesn't effect heart rhythms - however it would depend on yourself and your unique physiology. I certainly do not get any problems but I don't have any heart problems The oils and flowers prescribed for sleep, pain and RLS are the Indica calming varieties. Good luck with it all.
My understanding is that it is the THC element of cannabis that has the most significant soporific impact and you might be better taking a whole bud remedy rather than just CBD. That said, the product with CBN mentioned above might be helpful.
I suffered from profound noctorunal alerting when using oxycontin to treat my RLS. As you say, it is better than suffering RLS symptoms but you really would not need to have anything to do the following day. Quality of life is low. I used cannabis made into an edible to counteract it but it was only intermittently successful. I occasionally took a 7mg zopiclon tablet which also helps but eventually I had to change regime to one which was less dependent on an opioid for relief.
Thanks, involuntarydancer, does zpiclon give you sufficient sleep?