Hi,I haven't messaged for a while but I have been following all the information and advice. Now this may sound petty but I've just been reading information for pensioners who could be entitled to extra financial help if they have a medical condition which have been listed.Needless to say RLS is not listed,I'm both angry and frustrated at this,doesn't any bloody people in the medical profession realise the mental and physical torture sufferers have to endure.Im not badly off and definitely don't need a handout,that's my rant for now.
RLS,why is it not recognised as a me... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS,why is it not recognised as a medical condition

Good on you for articulating what every one else is thinking.
A ridiculous situation.
Keep going!
Willis-Ekbom is the medical name of the condition
Mental and physical torture it is for sure. Sometimes I don’t think I can stand it much longer. I think most people’s eyes just glaze over when you describe it. They aren’t with you hour but hour during the night when you are trying to get to the morning. But goodness knows who decides on which medical conditions matter & which don’t. I think there are loads of others too which don’t result in extra help.
Hi Butterflysun1,I'm pretty sure you are right about other health issues that aren't recognised, I'm wondering who on earth determines who suffers enough to be eligible for extra financial help..I'm in my seventies now,worked from 15 years old and even worked while raising 7 children along with my husband. I just feel that RLS is a devastating ailment to have ,the fact that nobody outside fellow sufferers, including most medical people don't consider this torment as serious enough.
I agree. Virtually no one realises how awful it is & most don’t care. My Mum had it, not quite as bad as mine I don’t think because she could function better than I do, but I watched her feet wriggling at eg the theatre and had no concept what she was going through or if I phoned & she’d say she had been up & had breakfast & was now back in bed. She’d express the embarrassment I now feel & yet why should we be embarrassed. I’m in my 70’s too.I remember lots of anomalies at a time when there were free prescriptions for some conditions & not others & it wasn’t all to do with whether there was a threat to life if not taken.
I think some of it is to make the governments appear to be empathic benefactors!
I wish you and all our fellow sufferers well
anything with the word syndrome attached to it makes people roll their eyes; they think syndrome is another word for "all in your head"