I’ve been on Belbuca for almost three years now. 456 micrograms. I have moved to Mexico. As far as I can see Belbuca is not possible here. Every time I try to whittle it down I get very bad insomnia and restless arms and fingers. My Dr thought it might be easy for me to get off it but it’s starting to become a nightmare and I only have 9 films left. Not sure what to do. Any advice would help.
Trying to get off Belbuca : I’ve been... - Restless Legs Syn...
Trying to get off Belbuca

Is the any alternative form of buprenorphine available in Mexico? And offered by your doctor? There exist sublingual tablets (lower dosed Temgesic and higher dosed Subutex or Subuxone when combined with naloxone) and patches (BuTrans or Transtec) on the skin that are used for rls. And of course the generics of those and maybe other brand names. I haven't yet heard anyone or anywhere about fluid buprenorphine injected in muscles for rls.
Otherwise, how else are you going to control your rls after stopping Belbuca? If you are on Belbuca, your rls must have been and very likely still is far too severe to do without, even after withdrawals settle.
I’m also on 2mg Neupro. The Neupro still works even on nights when I don’t take the Belbuca I have been trying gabepentin. It’s not working as a substitute for Belbuca
Your medications are working against each other. It is possible that you've augmented on the neupro and taking too high a dose of the Buprenorphine ,thus making an almost impossible situation for your body.
My feeling would be to look for an available alternative to the film , as Lotte has suggested, and then get off the Neupro ( slowly and by small amounts)
I thought any medicines were available in Mexico??😝
Neupro no one seems to have. But I have a 4 month supply of it.
Every night a take a full dose of each I sleep very well. No issues. These were all prescribed by DR B. But even if I stayed in the states he could not have continued to treat me as I would have to be there every so often for an in person meet up with him. I just need a possible substitute for Belbuca. Any suggestions?
Brospina is available in Mexico. It has the same ingredients as Subuxone which is buprenorphine and Naloxone.
I wondered if you could contact Dr B again as you say he put you on this regime originally. He may have some thoughts on how you should proceed. Good Wishes
It is very difficult to get scheduled drugs of any kind in Mexico. Doctors here must have a special license to prescribe them, and doctors with that privilege are few and far between. I've lived in Mexico for a dozen years and have finally just heard of a pain management doctor with the special license. Where in Mexico are you?
It might be worth your while to look for a pain management doc in Guadalajara. I am pretty sure that GDL will have one GDL is a center of medical care. Or you could try DF. If you want to come to Queretaro, I can get you the name of a doctor here, but GDL is much closer for you. FWIW, medical marijuana is legal here nation wide.
Thank you for this amazing post. I really appreciate your help. I saw a doctor in PV last week that could write a prescription for Transtec which is an equivalent medicine to Belbuca. The only issue is that it is $155 for 8 days. So that May price me out on that drug. I wouldn’t mind coming to Queretaro though. I have one more option here in PV and after that is exhausted, if it is exhausted, maybe we could touch base? Thank you again for your help.
How could I get the medical marijuana in Mexico? I’ve been wanting to try it for a long time. I think it would have to be in edible form though. I have trouble smoking anything. Thank you again!!!
I am sure that there are plenty of edibles available if you know who to ask (wink wink). I know of one company out of Mazatlan that sells tinctures. There used to be a distributor in PV. Try googling Omodiol Puerta Vallerta and see if that kicks something up. If not, let me know and I will see what I can find out.
I just see things like CBd oil. I’ve tried it but it never did much for me. The Neupro is awesome for my legs but this doctor has me hooked on belbuca and I can’t sleep without it now. I think Im in trouble.