I started 25 mg Sertraline about 2 months ago and I don't recall having RLS at first. My psychiatrist increased the dose to 50mg and, shortly after that, I had restless legs for the first time in my life. It's been happening for about 2-3 weeks now and is getting worse, i.e. more frequently with more intense feelings.
At first it was sporadic, happening only sometimes. It would begin about 10 minutes after lying down to sleep; my calves would start to tingle/tickle and I felt as though they were mildly throbbing. I'd have to shake my legs out to relieve the feeling but 10 seconds later it would start again. Eventually I'd get up and walk around, drink some tea, "re-set" my body then try to sleep. But it would start again - and I'd restart the cycle until I eventually fell asleep.
Now it happens every night, every time I lie down. I now get so frustrated and end up watching TV, go online - anything as a distraction. And it's in my thighs plus my arms too- I have to clench and release my fists and shake out my arms. It even feels like it's in my abdomen. I don't get to sleep until about 4-7am and I sleep in 2-3 hour stints. Luckily, I'm retired so it's not affecting a work schedule but still, it's exhausting and I'm over it!
The depression/anxiety has improved but it seems to be replaced by another problem and I'm weighing the cost vs. benefit. I wonder if it is the Sertraline or a coincidence? I should say that I also started Mirtazapine for about 10 days for mild insomnia; it didn't help so I stopped about 2 weeks ago. Could this have triggered RLS? And surely it would have stopped by now?
I'm tired and confused and would be grateful to hear from anyone with RLS who has experience with these medications.