I would like to go on record to clearing up a misconception. Capsules in the USA of 300mg are usually NOT for RLS. Pills given 600mg in Britian ARE for RLS. The reason is diagnosis. Seizures, Healing neurophatic nerves, and Shingles are the common use of 300 Capsules Since 300 mg capsules may be fore healing, they may be combines with a RLS med like ropinroles. In other cases where painful spinal Stenosis pain is chronic, a light pain pill like tylenol can b used. Find a REAL Neurological movement specialist. Once again, DIANOSIS is critical in the use od Gabepentin. I have been through tis more time than I can count.
Gabepentin: I would like to go on... - Restless Legs Syn...

The different capsule sizes are just to enable a specific dose, whether that be for shingles/RLS/seizures
I take gabapentin for RLS , I started on 100mg and have gradually increased over a couple of years to 500mg (one 300mg and two 100mg))
I’m in the UK
I am in the US and take gabapentin capsules like Lapsedrunner for RLS. I don't think there is any difference between the US and Britain.
what total strength and amount and do you take any thin else
t is good you ll are speqking out. mM point was differences in use of the medication for things other than RLS. How mqny things is aspirin used for. When i hear of the value for shingles or seizures, the doses do not approach the high level wometimew use for RLS. in pill form . Different groups of physicans fall into patterns of presriptions. My point is, we need to be our own care givers an question why and how Gapepentine is presribed
I quite agree, we have to be our own experts on managing our RLS for ourselves.
Although we don't need to become doctors we do need to keep up to date with medicines and the benefits and risks of each.
There is also more to coping with RLS than medical treatment that we should know about.
Apparently there are two differences between pills and capsules.
One is that it's possible to get a higher dose into a pill than a capsule. Hence 600mg pill and 300mg capsule.
Two is that the drug is released more slowly from a pill than it is from a capsule. Also exactly where in the gut it's released is more variable in a pill.
For nerve pain etc, higher doses may be needed and the drug level needs to be maintained over 24 hours. Max dose 1600mg three times a day.
For RLS only a lower dose may be needed and the drug level needs to be higher at night and lower in the day. Max dose 2700mg per day.
It seems logical then that pills are more suitable for nerve pain etc and capsules for RLS not vice versa.
In the UK in practice, I was once prescribed gabapentin for nerve pain only. Now I'm prescribed gabapentin for RLS only. Capsules both times.
However, if you say it's done differently in the US then I can't disagree with that.
It does pose the question though, if any country does differently than the US, does that mean they have a misconception?

You are correct
My point exactly. And cn two drugs be prescribed. I use gabepentin 2x 300mg capsules and 2 ropeirole .5mg periodically aheadod day time drowyiness. I sleep 8-10 hrs. Od I miss the day routine, my jerks are real jerks.
I am not picking on you specifically but in general I see a lot of misspelling or incomplete words in posts and don't understand it. When I post any misspellings are underlined in red and if I right click on them, I am given choices for the correct spelling. Does this happen only on my computer? If this doesn't happen on others, it would help the community if you checked your spellings before posting.
Have you replied to the wrong post here?!
My post above about being in the USA should have been posted as a reply to bill54321. Sorry.
I meant the one about spelling!!
It said it was an "in general" comment, obviously not related to the subject of the post, but the post DID have 3 misspellings: "Once again, DIANOSIS is critical in the use od Gabepentin. I have been through tis more time than I can count."
Hi Sue,
I don't get any red underlining if something is mispelt in Healthunlocked. I use at least three devices, laptop, tablet and phone. I don't get red underlining on any of them.
I only get red underlining when I'm using Microsoft Word.
The other thing is., depending on which device I'm using , (currently my laptop), I may make a different number of "typos", typing errors. I make less errors on my laptop because the keys are bigger.
I also have some typing "habits" which consistently happen e.g. I almost always type f o r m instead of f r o m and c a s u e instead of c a u s e . and a w l a y s instead of a l w a y s.
The point I'm making is that it isn't always the case that a member doesn't know how to spell, it may simply be a typing error. Especially in the middle of the night.
The errors in the quote you give are typos, I believe. There are also 4 not 3. 3 are obviously typos, the 4th may actually be a misspelling.
Is it important?
It is a problem if you can't actually understand what somebody's typing, but otherwise I just find it a bit irritating.
I do worry sometimes when people misspell or mistype drug names. Due to my background, I think that really important because so many drug names are similar.
I challenge you to read through posts and see how many ways in which ropinirole can be spelt.
What's more worrying is when somebody writes something with perfect spelling, but I still can't understand what they mean. It's a dilemma, should I be worried about myself, or should I be worried about them.
Incidently, I also have a problem with typing spaces. On my tablet, I can be typing away then suddenly the app closes and I'm on the home screen.
On my laptop, it can suddenly scroll up.
A currrent problem with my laptop after spilling orange onnit,it dying completely, me dismantling it, removing the harddrive and backing it up, reinstalling itand drying itallout and putting it allback together, the space bar is "sticky" and sometimes it doesn't work.
I’ve been taking the 300 mg pills for five years.Prescribed by a teaching neurologist at the University of Chicago.