Hi everyone.
I'll try and be add brief as I can.
Hisory: diabetic , sleep apnea (history of smoking heroin )
Basically when i was smoking heroin I would sleep like a baby but back in the day when I was using I would also cease use of heroin easily too.
But that is when I would suffer quiet severely with the restless legs until my body would detox completely and no longer crave the opiates and I would no longer suffer from my restless legs. My body would detox but it would be many weeks before my restless legs were no longer restless
This has happened to me about 3-4 times throughout my life.
When I used to use, sleep was great.
But when i ceased using the restless legs would return with a vengeance.
To a medical professional these symptoms may be a clue as to how/why the syndrome occurs and possible treatment regimes.
When my legs were restless I would dig my nails in them to try and divert my brains attention away from the legs and towards the pain but it didn't work.
My legs felt like they were alive or possessed!!!