Withdrawal Treatment
Withdrawal Treatment
I'm aware of the basic reasons why this is happening, but even after cutting down my dosage I suffer a pretty gnarly withdrawal and it goes on and on... Miserable, can't regulate body temp(freezing feet that won't stop sweating for example) and no sleep, I mean NONE, yet will be exhausted. Hot flashes like the worst menopause ever... Probably... Definitely, cuz this sucks... Anyone out there please help with suggestions to treat from home BESIDES slowly tapering. At this time, my meds didn't arrive again, could be a while too, and I want to beat this but more comfortably than before. I've never made it because this withdrawal lasts FOREVER! I seem to be the only one I've seen so far on here... Help Anyone!
Sorry to hear of your situation and I appreciate the distress it must be causing you.
I'm afraid I can't offer any easy or quick solution. Sorry to say, I doubt if anybody can.
For some of the drugs that people with RLS take, e.g. dopamine agonists, other medications e.g. opioids can be taken to help with withdrawal.
However, in the case of someone taking such a high dose of gabapentin, this not advisable. The combination could possibly make withdrawal more difficult and could also be dangerous. There are warnings about gabapentin causing respiratory distress, moreso if combined with an opioid.
I hope you are aware that the dose you're taking is massive for RLS and is 900mg above the maxiumum.
I understand it is a significant issue for you then, that you don't get your supply in time. As you probably already know going from 3.6g gabapentin one day and none the next day is, in effect, going cold turkey. Since withdrawal effects occur within 24 hours, you will be ecperiencing these severely.
I don't have any detail of your situation, but the most significant thing you can do is to take steps to ensure you do get your supply in time. I'm afraid I know little about the US health system, so can't make any suggestions.
Sorry, but the worse news is that it's difficult to imagine any easy way to wean off gabapentin besides tapering.
Your very best option would be to seek medical help. Please don't feel insulted, because whoever prescribed you that amount of gabapentin, if that's the case, has been irresponsible and it sounds as if you have gabapentin addiction.
It's frustrating sometimes. I don't know if what I am feeling is the RLS or the withdrawal from the Gabapentin. i.e. I forgot to take it at 2, it's now 4:30.. Then again, it could be all in my head too. I hate RLS.