Does anybody think this is something we could do to make symptoms of RLS go away or at least go way down?
RLS, IBS and SIBO: Does anybody think... - Restless Legs Syn...

It is worth pursuing if you have symptoms of SIBO - Irritable Bowl, GERD, Bloating, etc. Malabsorbtion of nutrients is also listed as a symptom, that could include iron, a known RLS trigger for some. I ASSUMED I had SIBO (as testing is inconsistent) and used the herbal treatment at SIBOinfo website. I had GERD so bad I coughed half the night and it made my teeth hurt (stomach acid coming all the way into my mouth). So, just that made sleep challenging, coupled with RLS. Website...
Thank you for replying! So are you following the FODMAP diet or what are you doing to lessen your symptoms?
No to the FOODMAP Diet for me. I'm more paleo/keto - low carb - but I vacillate to include carbs (oatmeal) which seems to give me more energy. My whole RLS situation is complex. I'm convinced it is iron related, since iron supplements eliminated the severe RLS but not the insomnia. One online consultant suggested I had SIBO, so I just did the herbal treatment - Oil of Oregano, Garlic and Berberine - 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off.
I am currently looking down the SIBO path. I do have some strange symptoms of SIBO. Is it worth my time? Is it a scam, like the vein removal stuff? I am asking you because I value your opinion, I am still taking Ferrochel, thanks to you.
If you have access to a good Gastro Doctor - you could indeed be tested for SIBO. The general treatment is a short course of a specific antibiotic or you could try the Herbal Protocol. Best website is here...
Thanks, I will be calling my Doctor today. The way I see it, I have three options. 1) The breath test is expensive, not very reliable. 2) a more invasive test endo? 3) try the course antibiotics and see.
I have already made significant changes to my diet, for the last for months I have stopped eating all sugar. It really hasn't helped my RLS at all. Well it turns out on the FODMAP diet is a bit more picky. I will eat whatever they tell me, if it will turn down this crap.