Usually I can sleep 7-8 hours with no problem until the efficacy of my 24 mg of codeine starts to wear off after about 3 months. The other night, however, I had a slice of chocolate pecan pie at 8pm and it was disastrous. I was awakened 4 times by RLS and was not able to sleep comfortably until 3am. I do not drink coffee or tea, but for those of you who do, I suggest that you not do it within 7 hours of bedtime. The 2 nights since then I have slept comfortably again since I finished off the pecan pie by noon each day.
Caffeine is Evil!: Usually I can sleep... - Restless Legs Syn...
Caffeine is Evil!

It could be any of many ingredients in the pie.
Was it store bought or homemade?
Msg in the sauce?
Rising agent in the pastry?
Etc, etc!😝😎
Indeed Madlegs, some people on here even claim that a shot of caffeine during the night can help them get back to sleep, it actually stops their RLS. Wish it had that effect on me, but unfortunately not.
It was a homemade pie. I have similar results after eating coffee ice cream, which makes me think it is caffeine.
I find caffeine helps me get back to sleep. Discovered this after someone else posted about it.
But any icecream makes my RLS much worse. I have blamed flavourings, sugar & who knows what. The caffeine content may be coincidence for you.
I’ll be ok once the Christmas cake is gone....
Pretty funny but them again milk and pie for breakfast is great. As for the caffeine, several of us have posted, me a few times, over the years that coffee, chocolate, coke, tea, anything with caffeine, actually STOPS jumping legs. Your reaction is more normal if you are sensitive to caffeine. Some of us really tharted RLS folks have the opposite reaction and caffeine actually helps. Why not have caffeine then before legs start dancing? It doesn't work. Then why don't I drink a cup of coffee every time legs start. I do if during the day. At 2am, I do but also consider the 'pee' factor. I am now using THC/CBD with a gigantic heavenly reduction of leg seizures.