Is this drug similar to Gabapentin I ask because I had or still least I think I had an allergic reaction to Gabapentin, my skin broke out in spots, they were. Quite small with a raised hard skin on top I only became aware of them a few days ago after I had been taking Gabapentin for about a week a three hundred mg dose. The spots were mainly on my arms and the back of my legs parts of the body I don't look at a lot! I see my gp on Friday and I need to ask him if there is an alternative drug I can use instead of Gabapentin and I saw that some people on this site are using or have used pregabalin . When I saw my neurologist recently she indicated that she was running out of options which scared my a but because I think I may be stuck with no relief from rls and insomnia?
I am getting by but it's a struggle. I do agree with a recent post that one does accept the lack of sleep eventually , a few years ago with the lack of sleep and jerking legs made me feel almost suicidal but over time my mind has become used to situation and acceptance has crept in coping mechanisms take over . I hope anyone in my previous situation can get a glimmer of hope from this.