I want to come off the above, should I do it gradually?
Pregabalin : I want to come off the... - Restless Legs Syn...

Very much so. Take it easy drop a little and wait until things normalise before dropping more. As you go down you may need a replacement drug to help through withdrawals and the RLS, I find opiates are great for that.
Slow and steady wins the race here. Plan out your withdrawal, speak to your Dr and make sure its not during a stressful time, if so delay it a little.
Failing to plan is planning to fail!!!!
WHY do you want to come off the pregabalin?
Well there not really working that well on 225mg, and I'm not to keen on the weight gain side effects.
I see! Makes sense. But - what will be your alternative?
Not sure, but I don't want a opiate, and obviously nothing that gains weight, I see the consultant on the 20th, do you think reducing the drug by 25mg per week would be OK?
I am on Pregabalin 250mg a day which I take in one hit at about 10.00pm.
I took a while to get to this dose and timing, but now it’s pretty good. After thinking it was not working as I was going to bed around 11pm and waking at 1am then 3am, both times pacing the floor. I decided to delay bedtime to 12,30 - 1am (now watching weird TV programmes into the night).. I go to bed around 1am now and usually sleep very well, getting around 7hrs. I get hardly any symptoms during the day as I used to on DAs - which was driving me crazy.
Of course there are always side effects,! I have gained weight, about 7lb in all, which will not go whatever I try. I hate this but am getting used to going up a size because I enjoy life more, and sleeping is such a bonus.
It’s hard to know where to go after DAs and Pregabalin. You must let us know how it all goes. Good luck with whatever you try.
I was thinking maybe gabadelin not sure I have pronounced that properly, depends on the side effects