Hi all , anyone using neupro patches? Dr.took me off pramipexele last week and put me on 1mg patches......had a hellish night last night , didn't sleep ar all.....wondering if it's withdrawal from the pramipexele.....he did say give patches a week, which I have done. Life can't go on like this ...been on quite a few different meds !
Patches : Hi all , anyone using neupro... - Restless Legs Syn...

I had to increase to 2mg patches initially & have been on 2mg for a couple of years & will never go higher than that.
Try taking some co codamol tonight & see if that helps settle things down, if not you may need to contact your GP
Annieapple is right. The strength of your pramipexole dose may have been higher than that of your Neupro patch. Find the effective dose and then stick to it. If you find that after a while you need to increase, or symptoms spread to other body parts or into the day, then a red flag should emerge. These are telltale signs of augmentation (see pinned post). I hope you will not encounter them. Many people last very long on dopamine agonists.
But - why are you changing? Because of reduced effectiveness etc? Then the Neupro may not last that long, as it will mask the signs of augmentation. Get yourself informed. Thoroughly.
Just to second what Lotte writes.
When a doctor changes your medication from one Dopamine Agonist (DA) (Pramipexole) to another, (Neupro) I always wonder why.
Doctors generally aren't aware of augmentation or how to deal with it. they tend to either increase the dose or switch to another DA.
Unfortunately, if you've already augmented on one DA you're more likely and more quickly going to augment on another.
After being on Pramipexole for 10 years and suffering augmentation it only occurred to me a year ago how little doctors generally know about RLS and you really have to find as much as you can for yourself.
This what i was saying to you on your other post, when you said the patch wasnt working and you had augmented already before on the Pramipexole. It could be you are augmenting again. Try what the others have said first see if any of that works first. but please read the pinned post about Augmentation, if you are on a laptop its the the right of the page, on a phone its a the bottom of the page.
I am definitely not very knowledgeable but
Sorry , I went for a second opinion yesterday got no answer expect the raised my zanex for five days , I went to the pharmacy and talked to my pharmacist, I was crying so bad I’m surprised she could understand me , so she went and researched it and told me to titrations off the mirapax and continue the requip , I finally slept last night and just a little brain fog and shakes but nothing like this weekend! I don’t know if it’s appropriate but I’ll take it!!!! I felt like I was in Hell all weekend!!
How much Mirapex were you on (that stopped working( and how much Requii do you take now? Both are dopamine agonists, M far stronger than R. It is like getting from the frying pan straight into the fire. You should seriously consider getting off all DAs, however difficult it may be, it WILL get better after a while.
So I definitely need to get referred to Mayo? Is the one in Minnesota good for rls?
.5 of mirapax repinrole HCL .25
Weird. That is a low dose of ropinirole and a high dose of Mirapex. You don’t take them both, do you?
Neupro works great for me. Stops RLS within 30 mins of me applying. I'm on 2mg patch. It does however make me vey groggy in the mornings. First time I've been happy that I'm disabled and don't hv a job to go to. 😉