I only recently realized my trigger and its any type of meat or poultry. It’s the only trigger I can pin point for now
Trigger for RLS: I only recently... - Restless Legs Syn...
Trigger for RLS

There's no harm in being vegetarian. I haven't eaten meat or poultry since 1975!

But I like a little bit of steak now and then......
Seriously Gigimk if the only trigger is meat you are soooo lucky. If you can eat fish that's good. Otherwise if you can get rid of RLS by going vegan then its the best thing you can do. Don't start on the drugs that are causing so many people misery. You can even feel extra good about it by telling yourself that you are doing it to reduce the abuse of the environment. Meat production uses a huge amount of water so pretty soon we will all be eating artificial protien and insects. Gagh!
Not to mention greenhouse gases, methane.
It used to be that being vegetarian was a choice and used to attract peoples insults and sarcastic remsrks. Things have improved, but work needs to be done on viable alternatives.
There have been developments in artificial meat or laboratory grown meat, which have problems in themselves and may not be the answer.
Quorn products, which are vegetarian foods which are made to look and taste like meat have helped some people turn veggie.
As an older veggie however, such things didn't use to be available and i always thought, what's the point of eating artificial meat, what's wrong with eating vegetables, grains, cereals etc.
I've never eaten insects, after all, they're not veggie.
Maybe not in my lifetime, nut it may be that being vegetarian may not be so much of a choice. After all, there are people in parts of the world who are only just beginning to eat meat, that couldn't before.
As food supplies get scarcer due to overpopulation and global warming, things will get tough. After all, the countries contributing the most to global warming, it seems, are doing the least to combat it.

Agree totally. I love being vegetarian - there is so much colour and variety. And it’s good for the planet, it’s never been such a serious issue as it is now.

go to you tube and look up vegan doctor mc dougall...your brain is 60 % fat your not going to get that from vegan sources...vegan can be a fast or slow kill depending on how healthy you are to begin with...suggest you go to you tube and look up ex vegan.
Are you sure that it's not something in the gravy or sauce that you have on the meat?
Spot on ,Eryl. I like your forensic attitude.
There are the sauces taken with meats. If you're in Amerika, there is GM and hormones involved in Beef production.
Worth trying real organic meats to see if there is a difference.? 😎
Some stock cubes contain potassium sorbate food preservative which can be a trigger. Also barbecue type sauces often contain a large amount of sugar which could also be a trigger.
Most likely meat is a factor because of glutamate. Restless leg patients have a higher level of glutamate in their brains than normal. Glutamate occurs naturally in many foods and unnaturally in others. MSG is a form of unnatural glutamate which is bound to salt. Natural glutamate occurs in most protein sources such as meat and beans. It is also in savory vegetables such as tomatoes and peppers. It is very high in walnuts and cheeses, especially parmesan.
Google glutamate and restless leg. In meats, you can reduce the amount of glutamate by using the freshest cut and cooking it quickly... Such as using a pressure cooker to cook a roast in 30 minutes rather than in an oven for 3 hours. Rotisserie chicken has a high level of glutamate, for example, due to the slow cooking method.
Also, eating glutamate earlier in the day can help because it may have more time to work out of your system. You can offset the glutamate by taking an l- theanine capsule, but you do not want to take a lot of them because l-theanine causes alertness.
You may not be affected by glutamate but it is worth looking into. I have severe restless leg and am highly affected by glutamate.
Make a lot of sense, everything you pointed out is what I eat a lot of .. worth checking out
It might be worthwhile going on an exclusion diet. There are probably hundreds of these diets but I have used the low FODMAP diet and it helped me to lead an almost normal life. But perhaps the Royal Prince Alfred Low Chemical diet is more appropriate because you are not referring to FODMAPs. You need to speak to a competent dietician. In my case I never have gravy or sauce on bought food because many of them contain gluten. For help with a FODMAP diet you should find a dietician with experience treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients because its the first line of attack for IBS.
When these unfortunate creatures are killed, they obviously are terrified, therefore the adrenaline in their system is released. It could be that maybe?
Whether or not that is the cause why inflict this suffering on the innocent anyhow? Veganism is the way to go, not only for our own health, but for the planet.
vegan? go to you tube and look up the vegan dr mc dougall...look at his videos 5 years ago and now look at his present videos...I would think twice vegatables are loaded with natural defense system because they do not like to be food for humans. Also look up ex vegans.