Hi, new to post I feel I have rls which is getting worse such a strange feeling as it's only from the knees down. It feels like bubbling fizzy drink in my legs also a creepy feeling, I probably get about 3 hrs sleep a night which is draining can I get advice pls on what to do as it's now getting to the point where it's there all day ..
Rls: Hi, new to post I feel I have rls... - Restless Legs Syn...

You need to tell us a little about yourself. Are you on any medication? Has anything changed in your lifestyle recently? A few more details and hopefully we can give advice.
Hi not on any meds, i do suffer with scaica and had a bad attack last year in my leg, I haven't really spoke to a doctor about these strange feelings yet but will do.. I even wake up with the feeling in both arms weird as from the elbow down. 3 hrs sleep a nyt is taking it's toll unless I move about it's worse, I'm now getting it all day sometimes.
It seems a good idea to speak to your doctor but don’t expect him to know much, if anything, about RLS. The best thing to is educate yourself before you go. Try these links for starters.
If you and the doctor decide you have RLS and it is serious enough to need medical intervention be very careful if he prescribes a dopamine drug - ropinirole or pramipexole usually. Keep the dose as low as possible and make sure you and your doctor are familiar with the signs of augmentation.
Let us know how you get on.
Great advice pam34,
I'm new myself, so thank you for posting the above links.
Hi Linda
Believe me, the more you educate yourself regarding RLS the better chance you have of being able to take control of your treatment.
RLS.UK is a great place to start or any PubMed articles you find. These can usually be trusted. There is a lot out there that is hearsay or scaremongering so be careful and good luck 😉
I will do and thank You, I have been told sometimes the tabs can make it worse. Someone told me light excercices and having regular massages helps
Hi - can you tell me the signs of augmentation please. Getting more and more anxious with regard to this. I am on ropinirole - relatively low at 1.50mg in the evening before dinner. I take codiene as well and baclofen for cramp. I have been on ripinirole for approx. 10 years.
There is lots on augmentation if you type it into the search bar on here. Or you can read these links-
If ropinirole is working for you then great, but just be aware of any of the signs talked about in these articles. Whatever you do DON’T increase the dose. Some people get many good years from it, I got 6 months! And doctors are generally unaware of augmentation and will simply increase the dose if you tell them your symptoms have worsened. The recommended daily dose is now 1mg max but most British medical books are out of date and still recommend up to 4mg.
Hi blueribbon,
I too am new here to the form.my symptoms are similar, has increased over the last two weeks or so ,lack of sleep and never ending strange feelings , makes you feel like cutting your legs off!! ..have you started any new meds at all ?
It sure dose it's even in my arms from the elbow down, sometimes it feels like that popping candy you put in your mouth. Going to see a doctor soon as driving me crazy
Terrible, I don't have it anywhere else, but it don't help with the chronic pain due to prolapsed discs middle to lower back and osteopenia in right hip
I had a fall in november my knee gave way which has happened before, only this time I hurt myself.. now waiting on surgry for my toe nail to be removed 🙄.
Good luck!! Keep us posted
Hi Millie and Blueribbon and commiserations to both of you on developing these awful symptoms. Just to add to Pam’s very useful posts, it is worth getting your GP to check your iron levels (serum ferritin) - make sure they give you the actual figure - not just that you are normal - and start a supplement if you are below 100. Raising iron levels helps at least 50% of sufferers and some experience total relief as their levels get higher.
Also check the list of counter-indicates drugs etc in the websites Pam suggests as some unexpected drugs can cause rls and eliminating them can result in a huge improvement.
Many people also find magnesium helpful - either as a rub on the legs or as a supplement. Maintaining a clean diet and slightly under eating can also be helpful. If you are in torment and nothing is affording relief try 2 solpadeine as codeine is good for rls and even the small amount in solpadeine can help.
Good luck.
Many thanks!
Hi, and welcome, Blueribbon. I agree with the other folks replying to you, and want to emphasize the possible role of low blood iron stores (I.e., ferritin), so make sure to have a blood test for that. And if it's well below 100, ferrous bisglyconate is a particular form of iron supplement that many of us have found most helpful. Any iron supplement should be taken a least 2 hours after last meal (e.g. bedtime), along with 100 mg vitamin C, or glass of orange juice. The acid helps absorption.
You will also find a great deal of useful information on the RLS Foundation site (and it's well worth joining this organization to get acc as to much more):
Good luck!
Are you on medication for the RLS? If not you should probably be on Ropinirole or Prampexole a low dose.