What is the best thing people have found to take to get some sleep, I am Hardly getting any at all and getting me down, don't want to go back to points as suffer augmentation terribly?
Sleep: What is the best thing people... - Restless Legs Syn...

I have been using valerian root, melatonin, GABA and l-tryptophan along with mucuna root for the dopamine that I seem to need to stop the RLS movement. The dopamine keeps me awake so have to have the sleep aid. I started on pramipexole and a benzo initially. I'm still not satisfied with my quality of sleep, but at least I'm sleeping. I open the capsules and create a "tea" that I take at bedtime and when I awake during the night. All of those are available from vitamin companies such as Piping Rock, NOW or any of them. The amounts you might need in your tea will vary but I don't stray far from what's recommended on the bottles. L-tryptophan seems to give me a headache but I've read it's very effective for other folks.
Hello im in Australia
And I find Panasonic Forte or Codeine/ half a 5mg Valium or Tramadol helps me! Good luck
I’m not sure what you are now taking for your RLS. After ropinirole and augmentation I moved on to Tramadol which helped my legs but not my sleep. When that also stopped working I started taking Pregabalin. It helps my legs and my sleep and reduces any anxiety I may have.
Feels a bit too good to be true at the moment, I remember feeling like this when I started on ropinirole. Thought it was an end to RLS for ever......
I am following this post in the hopes of some good tips too. The amount of sleep I have varies (tonight none hence on here at 4.30am) but even when I get sleep I don't get enough deep sleep (according to polysomnographs) because of PLMS. So either way I am exhausted all day, though have a slight preference for insomnia over poor quality sleep!
I am currently not taking any prescribed meds pending my next consultant appointment. Tried pregabalin, ropinirole and codeine and none have worked for me and didn't help with sleep either. Also had an iron infusion.
I also had melatonin prescribed (in the UK not available over the counter). I definitely slept a lot more and had far fewer arousals, but it didn't stop my PLMS so the sleep was not refreshing and my legs were really painful on waking. It made me very irritable too. I have seen on here that some people have found melatonin exacerbates RLS, so be wary if you try it.
I also tried valerian - not for sleep but as liver support (on basis codeine had no effect on me and this may be due to lack of liver enzyme needed to metabolise it). Valerian before bed made me feel sleepy but did not help me sleep, and I am pretty sure it aggravated my legs so I have stopped it.
I have also tried Zopiclone which helps to fall asleep but doesn't keep me asleep, and feel extra rubbish the next day. I have taken a small amount (6mg) of Diazepam but that didn't help either.
Let's hope we get some positive posts on here to help!
I understand what you're going through. If I take my ropinirole before the sensations start in my toes I can take two Benadryls and
sleep the whole night,But if my toes have already started jumping, it takes time for the ropinirole to help, then I can take two Benadryls and get to sleep.
I would suggest trying two Benadryls before going to bed AND before your RLS starts up.
Good Luck and GOD Bless !
Just a warning to BLUES60 that Benadryl is an antihistamine which is known to aggravate RLS. But as Annelle's post proves, we are all different!
When I needed something I took valerian herbal sleep aid, but I haven't needed anything for months since I cut out sugar from my diet. I had previously noticed improvement when I cut down on bread consumption, but I'm not sure whether that was due to less gluten, or less carbs.
Take care with using melatonin. I was prescribed this by my GP and it made my heart race over twice my usual rate. Phoned GP who would not believe it was melatonin and arranged an ECG which proved heart rate. I stopped melatonin and it took about a week for my heart rate to revert to normal. Afterwards my GP told me she thought I was going into heart failure! I would say I am sensitive to many medications but so are many others so just be aware. Hoping you get relief soon.
I've been using a combo of Kratom and gabapentin for over a year. I would say it cuts my rls by 80-90%.
When my legs do act up, the severity is less and I can usually pop out of bed and go for a 'jog' and get it under control.
The kratom changed my life!