So my question is about Duloxetine. Doctor wants me to try for nerve pain and said it would help my fibromyalgia. Does anyone take this drug for these symptoms.
Duloxetine/Cymbalta : So my question is... - Restless Legs Syn...

My Dr tried me with these twice - both times it sent my RLS through the roof.

Oh no! Well I'm not going to be taking it...thank you.
LisaLou, look at this website and the treatment page scroll down to find a list of anti-depressants which can make RLS worse,

Thank you... I just made up my mine!!!! NOT!!
Hi LisaLou.
I have tried duloxetine twice in the past 7 years. It worked really well for my chronic pain issues. However, greatly exacerbated my restless legs. It is a known side effect, but every person reacts so differently to medications, so you could be someone who does really well with it. I am wondering if the reaction might depend upon how severe your RLS is. Mine is quite severe (as in every night, sometimes all night long) so any additional chemical can be a problem for me.
Just some additional info: the first time I took duloxetine, I was also taking Gabapentin (600 mg a night). The second time I was taking Tramadol (100 mg, extended release). Tramadol was a wonder drug for me in terms of RLS. During the 3 years I took it, I only had RLS a few times a year, other than when I tried Duloxetine again. Unfortunately, I had to stop Tramadol for a variety of other side effects.
I wish you luck -- and fingers crossed that you tolerate it well and do NOT have RLS symptoms.
Oh darn, well you just answered my question.. And I will not be taking it!😖
I see that Marsha (see comment below) did alright with the lower dose of Cymbalta. I am thinking that the fact that she was taking a pretty decent size dose of Gabapentin might help counteract the RLS side effect. Of course.....Gapapentin can cause grogginess, etc. Unfortunately, sometimes it feels like a no win situation.
I was given this for depression with back-pain. It is, without doubt, the worst drug I have ever taken, and I have had some doozies. I now belong to a Facebook Group called 'Cymbalta hurts worst'. If I were you, I would ask to join that group so that you can be forearmed if things go wrong. It is a good group.
The side effects arrive subtly, so you have no clue what it is. Read ALL the side effects, and remember them. You may escape the side-effects, but many thousands have been badly harmed. Do your due diligence before you begin.
Coming off the drug is very hard, and the side -effects from withdrawal may last for life. Repeat, for life......
As has been said, its best not to start it because of making RLS worse. For that reason only.
Good, that is one less battle to fight! We have enough of those.
I guess I’m the odd man out. I take 30 mg of duloxetine every morning for nerve payin my hand and it’s been ok with my RLS. I also take 1200 mg of Gabapentin daily. BUT when i tried 60 mg duloxetine my RLS was out of control.
I take a similar drug (effexor) and it does help with fibro pain. Some here have reported worsened rls with this one as well. My advice, if you do try it, go with a low dose first.
I take duloxetine, one tablet each morning as a maintenance dose for my ptsd and nerve pain along with gabapentin 1200mg 3 x daily for neuropathy as a result of abdominal/bladder surgery which went wrong.
I have severe RLS. Always had it in small doses since a child but now at 73 I’ve had it so bad for the last 8 years.
I’m a lost cause as after trying very hard to come off pramipexole, and initially did so, despite OxyContin I became suicidal as I walked and walked and walked day and night, round and round the table til I was dizzy.
I relented and went onto Ippenia a slow release pramipexole and 2 years on I’m still on it, off opioids, and my RLS is more manageable.
What stops RLS for me in its tracks is replacement meals on the one-one diet. The nutritionist says the high levels of protein are working for me. I’ve tried this out by adding a meal with no product on numerous occasions and the ba…….. d comes back again. I’m presently trying to work out a programme with my nutritionist.
I read all the time on this site re augmentation and we must come off dopamine agonists but for failures like me who tried yet failed, it reinforces my weakness and therefore read comments on this site less and less