hi, does any1 find duloxetine antidepressant makes their restless legs worse, I have been taking them for 3 weeks now, 30mg tab aday , and my legs have been going crazy,
duloxetine : hi, does any1 find... - Restless Legs Syn...

Hi tracy
Duloxetine is one of the drugs that can make RLS much worse. Visit rls-uk.org/#!treating-rls/czj2 and scroll down to Medications to Avoid.
Miripex worked for me for awhile. But my legs got much worse as time went on,I couldn't sit and relax at all, I couldn't go on long car rides , I finally got myself off of it. My Dr was not supportive at all. He made me feel it was all in my head. But he was wrong, I feel so much better now that I don't take Miripex any more. I take 600mg. Gabipentin, and Take magnesium and I'm so much better.
Gabapentin worked for me but caused bone loss. Be sure to get a DXEA after a year to monitor bone density.
Don't you just love those doctors who think it is all in our heads when THEY are the ones who do not know and will not learn new things? it took me 12 yrs, but I have a good team of doctors now. Phew!
They drove my legs crazy and the GP insisted I try them on two separate occasions. A lot of anti-depressants causes RLS to get worse, some aren't as bad as others, I am sure someone will be along to suggest a couple of alternatives soon.
I've found that Phenergan causes restless legs so I take it in the morning instead of night time but that's for another problem . Holland and Barrett sell "goodnight magnesium oil " which you use at night about 30 mins before bed . Massage it in to your legs and it works a treat . I've also used surgical stockings which help at night too . Not very sexy but who cares lol .
Good luck
I also tried magnesium tablets for a few months but they didn't work for me but rubbing the oil in certainly did. It's all trial and error.
Almost all the anti depressants make RLS worse. While preserving serotonin, keeping more in your blood for use as a neurotransmitter for the mood elevation, it blocks dopamine from the receptor it must act upon stopping the joy of bodily sensations that give us pleasure. That is how the dopamine agonists work to stop the excessive urge to move and the other sensations associated with RLS. You need to stop the mood elevators unless you are really depressed, if the choice is the best for your comfort.
I took a large amount of Welbutrin and dulled all my senses to stop feeling anxious all the time. 10 years ago i stopped all the serotonin uptake meds and take only dopamine agonists. I am better off. Abxious a lot but not jumping all over.
The above link suggests yes, especially since u are experiencing increased symptoms.
Most antidepressants will make RLS worse for 99.9% of us, remembering there are always exceptions. BUT, duloxetine is an SSRI, which is 2nd on the list of anti-d's to avoid. Tricyclics like Amitriptyline are tops on the "no no" list. Wellbutrin is considered one of the "safe ones" but reports vary on how well t works on depression compared to others. Pippin (who is on holiday) and I both take Mirtazapine (brand name Remeron) which is in a class by itself. It is my "magic" med as far as panic attacks and depression from grief. I have been taking it for over 5 yrs and it does not bother my legs one bit. The tricyclics and SSRI's almost did me in, as they do many RLSer's, and the tricyclic Amitriptyline (brand name Elavil in the states) was the one that made my RLS so bad, I was literally going to jump out the window. I have never had RLS so bad in my life, and that was way back before I even knew what RLS was ( pre computer days) NO matter what anyone tells you, the SSRi's and the others will make, like I said 99.9% of us worse and no amount actual RLS meds can cut through that. So, yes, you are right, SSRI's are a bad thing for most of us.
Nightdancer, I have so many allergies (4 pages long) and also found that anything ending in 'ine' is a no go for me!