What meds can be taken instead of gabapentin? Would like to stop taking the gaba but I'm sure will need another med.
Gabapentin: What meds can be taken... - Restless Legs Syn...

Pregabalin -lyrica
Lyrica is in the same family as gabapentin so whether you would take it would depend on your reason for discontinuing gabapentin.
See my posts on dipyridamole. Not everyone can take dipyridamole. It is counter-indicated for some and it is extremely experimental at this stage so I am not recommending it by any means but worth informing yourself about ...
Opiates such as tramadol work well for many.
I want to get off gaba because it often makes me so depressed I end up in tears. Of course that could be because of my health problems and not the gaba. I'll look at the dipyridamole. Not familiar with it. thanks for your response.
Gabapentin can adversely affect your mood (as can health problems). As webbkaz below clearly illustrates some people do much better on pregabalin so definitely worth trying the switch.
You should continue to monitor your mood carefully as some people have similar problems on pregabalin.
If you look on this site
You will find a comprehensive list of all medications for rls , with pros and cons for each one.
Also on same site is a very long QnA session - but some of the earlier ones are out of date- stay above c page 100 or so. Good search facility and you can email the main man.
hi i tried gabapentin and couldn't get on with it, I tried pregabalin and it is a much better alternative, at least for me.