Hi. I have a bad chest infection and have been given Amoxicillin (anti-biotic) and a steroid, Prednisolone. One of these, or both maybe, is interfering with my RLS medication. I've been out of my mind during the night, bordering on suicidal after two nights like this. I've had three days on these drugs. Does anyone know about the effect of either on RLS?
drugs: Hi. I have a bad chest infection... - Restless Legs Syn...

Hi Lorrinet,
How are the drugs affecting you? Are they making the RLS worse or are they keeping you awake/stopping you sleeping?
I avoid prednisolone because it makes me completely hyperactive and so unable to sleep at all.
They are either making the RLS itself worse or stopping my opiate (Dihydrocodiene) from working properly. Whatever, as well as the RLS and a severe cough, my brain won't be quiet. I returned to bed around 7.30 am and fell into a disturbed sleep for about two hours. I feel angry all the time as well.
From your comment, I think the culprit is Prednisolone so I'm not going to take any more. Thanks.
Have you looked at the information leaflets of both amoxicillin and prednisolon for interference with especially opioids? You don’t say what your other rls med is. Additionally, on drugs.com you can check online for known interactions. Hope you get better soon.
I don't want to add to your troubles, lorrinet, but be cautious about how you stop prednisolon. My recollection is that it should not be stopped abruptly but should be tapered down. You might google it just to be sure you don't do yourself even worse damage. I hope things pick up soon.
Thanks. I was only given a five day course, to help deal with this chest infection. I also have chronic bronchitis, I think it was to help with that too. I really cannot take anything that interferes with the dihydrocodiene for RLS so I've stopped it after three days. Am continuing with the anti-biotic.
YES, listen to Involuntary Dancer!!! You cannot just stop predinsone. and it is like magic when you are sick. But, you have to titrate up and then titrate down a very specific schedule. This is of utmost importance. The side effects you are describing are from the prednisone, it is a steroid. The antibiotic is not going to make your brain race. When I used to get lung infections all the time, I was on and off prednisone many times. Most people I know do bounce off the walls with it, but it helps the problem immensely. I know when I was on it, I would be up at 3 am scrubbing the bathroom or something else. That is classic prednisone effects. But I will say when I was prednisone, I had NO RLS. In fact every time I took it, my RLS went quiet. Sometimes we have to trade a few night's sleep to get rid of the nasty infections, but do not stop it suddenly. Feel better!
Hi lorrinet,
Just want to wish you a speedy recovery. God bedring (Norwegian for “get well soon”)!!
Take care!

Thank you. It's taking its time.
Following surgery on August 30th, 2017, for a detached retina, I have been prescribed Prednisolone (Acetate) for my recovering eye, 4 drops per day. I haven't noticed that it affects my RLS either way. Perhaps eye-dropper amounts are way less than you take?
Best of luck in treating this dingdang condition. I'm finding 90% relief with kratom in 8 gram doses, 2 to 3 times per day.
I am just so exhausted and the steroid just about pushed me over the edge into 'that's it, I've had enough' territory, where I've been before. I gather from what you and others have said that predisnolone is beneficial, but I could not tolerate it any more.
I feel for you, lorrinet. Just keep trying and researching. Before I found Kratom, I inhabited that same territory.
Although I've suffered full-body RLS for over 40 years, there have been periods when medication has worked for a while. I was given Tegretol (an epilepsy drug - there is epilepsy in my close family, though not me) many years ago and that worked well for about five years. After that, nothing until I tried Cannabis which i bought on the street. That worked too for a while, but wore off quite quickly and was incredibly expensive.
When my son had a motorcycle accident about 15 years ago the hospital sent him home with three Dihydrocodiene. He didn't want them so I took one - no effect. Next night I took the other two and my life was transformed. Unfortunately, these opiates are not working so well now, though I'm still managing. I refused the Ropinerole my GP gave me after reading bad things on here. Life is a daily struggle as we all know, everything revolves around the drugs and I'm a chronic insomniac as well. But I'm very grateful for the years of relative peace the opiates have given me. I had often been suicidal during the years before.
I don’t have any answers for you but you have my sympathy and I hope you find a resolution soon.
I find Amoxicillin sends my RLS through the roof. I take Prednisolone every day and have never had a problem with it.
I hope this is of some help, and that you get sorted out